7 : Broken

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"Wake up, Newton!" (Y/N) picked him up, waking him up.

"I'm up, chum..." He mumbled. He was a bit excited despite how tired he sounded; he really did want to go to that pool party. Of course, not in the water. But he'd just hang out with everyone!

"Great. I gotta get ready, since we overslept a little and if I don't get ready now, we'll be late!" She grabbed her swimsuit, going to the bathroom and putting it on under her clothes. She grabbed Newton and her phone, before leaving the house with a short "see ya dad", getting her bike and putting Newton in the basket.

Newton got to enjoy the feeling of the sharp, late summer wind against him, holding the edge of the basket all while smiling.

(Y/N) rode over to the adjacent neighborhood from her own, finding the house and parking her bike at a nearby sign. She picked up Newton, putting him on her shoulder. "I'm pretty hyped for this!" She smiled, knocking on the door. Kaitlin answered, letting them both inside.

"Hey (Y/N)! I see you brought Newton with you." She said, closing the door behind them both while (Y/N) slipped off her shoes.

"Yeah, just as I said I would! Anyway, where is everyone?" She looked around a bit, even towards the back patio that had a cerulean, clear pool.

"Oh, they must've not shown up yet." She sighed. "You are an hour or two early, after all."

(Y/N) did a bit of a double take. Was her own clock wrong? No, she was certain she was 5 minutes late.

"Wait, really?" Her head tilted slightly. "Doesn't it start at 11 am?"

"Oh, no. You must've not gotten the update, silly me. I postponed it to 2 pm." Kaitlin explained. "Anyways! Go out back, I'll get drinks and everything."

"Alright." (Y/N) sighed. She was two hours early, then. She headed to the backyard where the pool was, to see...

"Parker? What the- No, why are you here? Don't tell me Kaitlin invited you!" (Y/N) was already a bit mad that Kaitlin would invite this guy, even after what he did.

"Huh? Oh, this is my place, (Y/N)." His tone was laced with a hint of malice. "I invited Kaitlin." He got up, approaching (Y/N). Out of instinct, she grabbed Newton and held him close.

"You... No, wait... You and Kaitlin are...?"

"Friends. Mhm." He smiled. "And I think you have something that we both want."

"No. You can't have him."

Parker shrugged. "I suppose I figured you would say that... Kaitlin, seize her."

Kaitlin grabbed (Y/N) around her neck, and Parker grabbed Newton while (Y/N) was struggling.

"You fucking- You bitches! Give him back!" She struggled, reaching an arm out towards the smug Parker.

He held Newton tightly in one hand, almost suffocating him without a care.

"You know... I don't know if you wondered this, (Y/N), but... I would like to know what a lightbulb sounds like when it's shattered. Don't you?" He held Newton above his head, and (Y/N) cried out.

"Don't!" She broke free of Kaitlin's grip, lunging at Parker. He fell backwards, his grip slipping on Newton...

Glass shards were all over the back patio.

(Y/N) stared at both of them.

Kaitlin looked almost guilty. She didn't mean for it to go this far.

Parker had a smug grin, however it faltered slightly when he saw (Y/N)'s almost emotionless, cold expression.

(Y/N) looked at the shards, collecting them in her palm.

"I need to go home."

She cupped the shards in her hands, sitting on her bed.

"I'm so sorry."

She sniffled a few times, trying not to cry. She couldn't.

Her hands bled slightly as the glass pieces cut into her hands. She thought of it as Newton giving her his own justice, however small.

"Please... I'm sorry, just please come back... Tell me it's all a joke." Her eyes welled up with tears every time she stared back down at her cupped hands.

She held the glass pieces as if they'd do something.

"I should have seen the signs. I shouldn't have brought you. I should've known better..." She sobbed, holding the broken pieces of her friend.

"I'm so sorry."

(A/N): ... :)

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