chapter 10

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Y/n pov

It's now been a week or so since papa went to his office to work. He hasn't come out really worried.

"GUYS papa hasn't come out of his office in DAYS what are we gonna do..? I'm really worried about him" I said to the others.
"Look, I don't know WHAT we can do about it. He'll come out when he's ready I guess." Sodo said, ofcourse worried aswell. "Im not gonna just sit here and let him isolate himself! He could be dead for fuck sake!"I said frustrated and really worried. I walk to his office frustrated and feeling really overstimulated.
I knock on his door.
"Papa..? Are you doing alright in there..?" I said nervously.

No answer.

"Hello?. Papa? Cmon please open the door? Or say something? Please.." I said trying to get him to answer. I hear a groan and some shuffling around the room, clinking of glass.

"Papa?" I was cut off "just give me a minute gosh!" I was taken aback by his tone and it scared me. I dont deal with shouting well at all so i cried a bit. He opened the door. It reeked of booze and Cigarettes.

"You could use a drink."he said joking slightly. "No, addiction runs in the family. ill just become like them." I said wiping tears away. "Why were you crying." He sighed, sounding slightly annoyed. I can tell he has a killer hangover with his mood. "It dosent matter anymore." I said, sounding frustrated. "Look im sorry i shouted at you im just not feeling great-" I interrupt him regretfully. "Im sick of this! You lock yourself in your office for a whole ass week, don't even try to see me or the others, practically drink and work yourself to death and all to spread the word of satan with this band!? Why can't you just take a fucking break!" I said, I was too overwhelmed to do anything else other than shout. I cried as I walked back to my room. "Y/n please stop-" he said grabbing my shoulder to stop me."I just want to be alone right now." I said "no." He said. "What do you mean 'no'? You've been doing it all fucking week and I can't take a hour or so to cool off and feel how I feel?" I broke down completely. I cover my face and slump against the wall. Great I was having another breakdown
"Im so overwhelmed with this.." I said. "overwhelmed!? You havent even met overwhelmed! Have you worked my job? Have you even stepped foot into my life? Clearly not if you think YOURE overwhelmed! I've been up for days doing work planning rituals, writing music and shit and drinking just to try get myself to sleep at night!" He snapped. "Oh fuck off I told you to try not to overwork yourself and you've gone and done it again!" I said through sobs. "Im sick of your yapping!" He rambled on. "Im going to bed.." I said angrily. "No I'd like to finish our argument!" He said grabbing my wrist. "There's nothing left to be said.." I sighed angrily and stormed to my room. I locked the door.

I sat down and cried. What the fuck has gotten into him lately...he never acts like this..

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