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The next morning
Y/n woke up to Hans head buried on my neck while Minho had his arms around me
The sound of the alarm was so annoying
y/n groaned
"Minho. Shut down the alarm..~" I said as he turned it off and stood up
"come on guys wake up." He said
"why are you suddenly wearing pants when you go to sleep?" Y/n asked looking at him
"Because I have to sleep with Han now." Minho said stretching his arms
"Han wake up." Minho said shaking Han while the both of us were still on the same position
"five minutes~ I love cuddles~" Han said coming closer to y/n
"Han, sweetheart. Wake up" y/n said brushing his hair with her hand
Minho mimicked your voice and left to the bathroom
After two minutes Han finally opened his yes and saw y/n who was still sleeping
"Y/n wake up.." Han said shaking y/n softly
" just two seconds. I'm tired~" y/n said covering herself with the blanket
Han picked her up and led her to the bathroom where Minho was showering
"DUDE, IM TAKING A SHOWER." Minho said furiously
"Just take her and wash her up. with COLD water" Han asked Minho
"ENOUGH. IM AWAKE." Y/n opened her eyes as wide as possible not wanting to shower with cold water but it was too late
Minho was already showering with cold water
Y/n screamed form the top of her lungs
"To cold!" He wrapped her body on jisungs since he was warm
He patted her back
"Take a bath." Han said signaling the bathtub
"nah.. jut think I'm stupid." Y/n said
Y/n sat on the bathtub and filled the water all up
They all have an hour and a half to get ready
Y/n put the water Temperature on 49° degrees
She moaned in pleasure while Minho was doing his skincare and Han was showering
She was also in a group call with the girls
"AND YOU WONT BELEIVE WHAT THAT BITCH SAID" Jennie said as the other three gasp
"wait.. who's the girl again?"
"first, she disrespected Soyeon, you girls know her?" Jennie asked
"Yeah..?"some of them said
"Y/n probably doesn't"
"I do, she's my sisters best friend and my boyfriends friends girlfriend."
"bro what." Yeji said
"anyways. Continue"
"Okay, turns out. Soyeon is still a virgin guys so don't worry."
"and turns out the person behind all these rumors WASNT Sana"
"what.."y/n got confused
both Minho and Han were staring at y/n but y/n was in a different universe
"was it nayeon?"
"Was it karina?"
"Was it y/ns sister?" Yeji asked
"Y/n it's like 5:30 in the fucking morning and I'm having a shouting match with my brother about who gets to do skincare first and who takes a shower first and you want me to use my brain?" Yeji asks
"Fair enough"
"GUYS, GUESS!" Jennie says
"man... I wouldn't be surprised if it was wonyoung." Han said getting out of the shower
Both me and Minho looked at Han and had the face 'how did you know'
"Woahh.... Han your so smart" Y/n praised Han
"Thanks, love" Han thanked the compliment
"WHO SAID WONYOUNG?!?!?" Jennie asked
"My boyfriend."
"No, Han."
"wait.. so you fucked him?..."
"Not yet."
"WAIT... SO WERE ON SPEAKER?!?" Jisoo asked as her voice cracked
"we're interested, continue talking." Minho shouted so Jennie could hear him
Jennie stayed silent
"y/n I seriously think your boyfriends are zesty"
"WHAT" y/n eyes widens
"Calm down, y/n."Han said holding her shoulder
"Babe, can you please wash my hair?" Y/n asked Han
"Sure!" He said wetting your hair and cleaning it
"Y/n i can already imagine the princess treatment your getting" Yuna says laughing
"bae. You haven't seen anything"
"Anyways, are any of you coming to practice?"
"no.. the school already assigned me and yuna in a group."
"Oh right... with chearyoung right?"jennie asked
"Sucks to be you. CAUSE Y/N IS GOING TO BE MANAGING US~~~"
"don't worry yeji. I'm going to be writing the lyrics with Soyeon so I'll ask her if she can help me make a song for you guys"y/n said
"thanks bae."
"Y/n, come on, stand up." Han said handing y/n a hand
"Kay girlies. I need to get ready for school."
Y/n said her goodbye and left to get ready only to get dressed[2a,4b,2e] by Han and get her hair done by Minho
All he did was blow her hair
Since y/ns hair was naturally straight it was easy for Minho to do her hair
At the schools training building
Y/n was currently with Soyeon writing a song about low self confidence
The song name was 'Allergy'
Y/n wrote 80% while soyeon wrote 20%
They were now recording the song just the two of them to ask the school if they can use it for an upcoming school talent competition
While they were filming the door opened but since y/n was still singing and wearing headphones she didn't realize
"so, how was that?" Y/n asked So-yeon with a smile that faded when she saw who was next to her
"Y/n!" Hyunjin called y/ns name as her smile quickly formed back
"Hyunjin!" Y/n said taking off her headphones and exiting the record room to hug Hyunjin
As soon as they hugged Hyunjin felt butterflies on his stomach
"i missed you~" he said kissing your forehead gently
"Me too" y/n said smiling
He brushed y/ns hair with his hand
"How's Minho and Han with you?" He asked
"There okay. In fact, there amazing." Y/n said smiling
"Good. How about this.[he was talking abt the song since there were papers and pencils everywhere and 2 laptops and 2 iPads that were filled with words]"
Y/n sighed before saying "it's.. really tiring but fun!" Y/n said smiling as he looked at her and pinched her cheek
"Your so cute~" he said kissing your cheek softly
"Hey, Changbin is gonna come any second to drop some food for us. So you better leave."Soyeon says demanding hyunjin to leave
"awww.. why should he leave?"y/n said pouting
"So your boyfriend doesn't kill him." Soyeon said with a 'duh' tone
Y/n pouted
"Goodbye, Princess. I'll see you around." Hyunjin said smiling and kissing y/ns cheek
"Bye bye" y/n said as he left
Y/n looked at Soyeon with a smirk on her face as Soyeon gave her a identical expression
"your such a slut." Soyeon said praising her
"I know." Y/n said as they both yelped an 'eee' and held each others hands
We heard a door open and a male speaking
"Babe, I couldn't find the exact pads you wanted so I just brought the only thing I saw. But they're were sizes so I brought you a small." Changbin said opening the door to find y/n sitting on Soyeon lap and working
"Just leave them on the counter" Soyeon said not paying attention to Changbin
"So I won't get a , 'I love you' or an 'thank you baby' or 'thank you love' I'll just get NOTHING" Changbin asked sarcastically which was very visible that he wanted some attention from his girlfriend
"Y/N" Soyeon looked at y/n
"Yeah?" Y/n replied softly still focused on her sketches since they were on break
"Can we trade boyfriends? Mine is getting to annoying"Soyeon said rolling her eyes as a sign for Changbin to leave
"No thanks, I'm happy with my boyfriend. You can take Han though he is to clingy. Wait never mind, I love clingy boyfriends." Y/n said smiling
"My boyfriend is clingy, TAKE HIM!" Soyeon said pointing at Changbin who was pouting
"Okay" y/n said spinning the chair
"Come here, let's cuddle 'new boyfriend' " y/n signaled Changbin to snuggle on y/n to make Soyeon jealous and say that she's sorry
Changbin smiled and rubbed to y/n
"AISH! STOP TEASING ME!!!" Soyeon said pouting
"I have a new girlfriend! Date Minho instead since you want a boyfriend who is not clingy" Changbin said rolling his eyes
"why would I date Minho?!?"
"HEY, that's my boyfriend your talking about. HE. IS. A. GREEN. FLAG." y/n said glaring at Soyeon
"So.. people who take your v card in the morning is a green flag?"
"Actually I was supposed to get fucked at midnight, but my legs were sore from walking so we cuddled instead." Y/n reassured Soyeon while rubbing Changbin back
"Do all girls wear the same perfum?" Changbin asked the two women
"What perfume do you have?"
"Oh mine. Minho gifted me an perfume straight from the Middle East. As a surprise, he said the smell suits me." Y/n said smiling
"I wish MY boyfriend SPOILS me"
"Women, the only reason the school has a singing competition every year is because you asked me to ask the principal . without me, you wouldn't be here." Changbin says
"Anyways I'm gonna leave now." Changbin said standing up
As soon as he stood up there was a knock on the door
"COME INNNNNN" Soyeon screamed since the room was sound proof so it would take all her voice and energy to make a slight sound
The door gently opened only 0.8%
"Is y/n here." Y/n recognized that voice
"minho~" y/n said jumping out of the sofa to the door and opening it while hugging Minho tightly
"I brought you some food." Minho said smiling softly at y/n
"thank you!" Y/n said tip toeing to reach his shoulders to hug him
"Do you want me to bend down?" Minho asked chuckling at y/ n
"Yes please."
He bent down and y/n showered his face with kisses
"How's the song right now?" Minho asked y/n
"It's great! Wanna hear? We're done with the first song so we're taking a break and we're going to work on another song in about an hour." Y/n said
"Okay. I'll hear it." He said smiling at y/n and sat down as y/n went to turn on the music

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