ok... this is confusing

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My name is Emma.

I am 15 years old.

I live in Essex, England... dont say anything!

i have 3 best friends.

1. Nicole- i have known her since i was 3 my parents and her parents are best buddies.

2. Sarah- i met her in year 7 but she already a great mate.

3.Kyle- i met him in year 7 too, he's gay so before you say anything no nothing will happen.

i live with my mum and dad.

And im an only child.

Now you know who i am i can get on with my story.


'Emma hunny it's time to get up!'

'Meh.... 5 more minutes please?' Oh my God i sound like a frog... i need a drink when i can be bothered to get up.

'Emma you said that 15 minutes ago you are going to be late for your first day back at school!'

'Exactly. Just leave me here I'll have my first day tomorrow!' Mum's not buying this im gunna have to get up... or i could try... yea ill try one more time.

'Come on, do you want me to get your Dad to come up to get you up?' Mum said a smile on her face.

'I'm up!' i sat up groggily. even though i didnt want to get up i didnt want ice cold water on my head either thankyou very much!

'good now get ready I'm leaving in half an hour!' i can see she has a smile on her face... shes always smug when she uses the dad thing.

woah my legs feel like jelly... must ... get ... to ... mirror...

HOLY MOLEY... that cant be me... i should so have remembered to remove my make-up last night!

ok now my face is half decent its bathroom time!

showers always feel better in the morning...

i walk in my room to see my uniform perfectly ironed and on my chair. Urgh... another year of this...

first year of year 11... meh

I'll be 16 soon thats something at least i'll kinda be an adult.

I'm so tempted to not answer but i see the caller ID

'Hey Kyle' sugar i still sound like a frog.

'umm hi, r u okay?' i must sound worse than i thought.

'yea i only really just got up.'

'oh, you getting a lift with your mum?'

'yea why?'

'can i have one?'

well he hasnt changed at all. He lives quite near me and for all of year 10 except when he was ill we gave him a lift in. i mean we dont live too far from school he could just walk, he is on the way to school though so we may as well.

'why even ask? you know we will, we will pick you up at the same time as per normal.. dont be late'

'thanks Em you know you're always so helpf..'

'yea yea yea im so helpful i'm amazing' i interupted him i now where this is going.

'i was just going to say helpful actually but ok your pretty amazing'

'thanks anyway see you in a min.'


i press the end call button and see that i have a text. It's from Nicole. -open-

hiya!!!! youll never guess what just hapnd to meeee!!!

she always over reacts in texts shes probably found a new type of cereal she didnt realise she had, but i'll answer her anyway to make her happy.

what is it?

literally 1 minute later

weeelll... we got new neighbours!!! :)


one of them is a boy

i knew where this was going

you fancy him dont you

well he is cute but he's not my type.. i think you'll like him!!! :)

what? how do you know if hes my type

because i know you, anyway hes new to our school and is in our form! i've been asked to show him round you could help!!!

fine i'll help but only because your my friend


it was labelled: this is him!!!

why did you send me a picture of him?

have you looked?

no but why did you send it?

open it and you'll see ;) see u at school

my thumb keeps hovering over the open file button. it's so tempting... should i? well whats the harm gunna be?!


Oh... i see why she was so excited.

ok... this is confusingWhere stories live. Discover now