Anderson and Sterecra

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Cody Emmet Jameson Anderson is a normal kid at school. He wasn't popular or well known but he's most likely a guy that people would know. He used to be one of those 'Ladies man' in his junior years because of a one goth chick.

Not very lucky of him that someone way more attractive than him liked her. He became friends with the guy and eventually helped the guy with the chick. He felt upset it wasn't him but if his buddy was happy then so is he.

Cody was an only child who has a busy parents who loves him but just isn't there to be with him. He understand that their jobs are important and he loved the both of them too but how Cody is hurt by it.

Cody was an extroverted geek. He was oddly smart in a few classes but really needs to fix his..writings. He is an outgoing person but be careful when you give him a handful of candies. No seriously.. Be careful.

Cody enjoys tons of things, dancing, candies, going outside and all those extroverted stuffs.

On the other hand, Noah Sterecra is a prefect in their school and the long timing school president. He still is now and it's not really so surprising. He was indeed popular for his looks, personality and being the school president.

Noah never enjoyed the attention he is always getting. girls hitting on him? yuck. he has a full sarcasm to insult them yet they thought he was playing 'hard to get'. His personality was filled with sarcasms and hideous brains of a know-it-all.

Noah was an Indian-Canadian family guy meaning he has 8 older siblings counting him in as the youngest 9. most of his siblings are already married means he is sadly a sarcastic know-it-all 19 year old uncle.

Noah was the complete oppisite of Cody. oh how he'd rather be an only child then have his house filled with kids screaming and crying. Introverted infact. like we said before, Noah was a smart kid. pretty hand writings for sure add that to attractive list.

Noah only enjoys a few things for example he likes piece, books and somewhere where nobody can disturb him or anything at all.

And how I'd love to say they rather not hate but DESPISE eachother. One way to kill the mood right? It's an INTJ and ENFP we're talking about and they hate eachother? woah! surprising!

why do they hate eachother so much? nobody really knew why. all they know that whenever they are talking to eachother all they do is give bad remarks and talk shit about eachothers back.

People always say that they always saw the two of them either glare or just try to pick a fight with another. Some people think it's just them acting and behind the scene both of them are dating.


Cody was as usual as he is. grabbing books and other stuffs from his locker before SOMEBODY decided to ruin the mood.

"Ah Cody Emmet Jameson Anderson. Your one and only Geek." Noah smirked as he leaned to his own locker beside Cody.

"What is it this time Nerd? I should be flattered how you are here instead of going to meet af the council club or whatever that fuck shit is." Cody said annoyed.

"Yeah you totally should be. I'm here to see what a Geek like you are doing at this time of moment."

"Oh I am indeed flattered you care but it's none of your fucking business Sterecra. Now move, I have classes to attend."

"Suit yourself Anderson." Noah smirked putting his hands up in the air.

Cody swore if he sees that smirk he will knock him out cold on the ground but he held it in and pushed Noah out of the way. Ignoring the one who was smirking as he watches Cody leaves.

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