Buddy the Gay Mashed potatoes

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When Buddy woke up the next morning, he still felt pretty bad, but somewhat better. When Buddy looked around, he realized all the vegetables were gathered around the fridge. Wondering whatever in the world was going on, he wandered over and saw a new veggie was talking to all the orginal residents of Polly's Kitchen.

"...vegetables!" he yelled. With closer inspecton Buddy saw it was a Squash. "My name is Sam the Squash! And I am proud to tell all of you that I am gay!"

Buddy gasped. Could this be true? Could there really be another gay veggie? Gathering up his courage, Buddy pushed to the front of the crowd. With a deep breath, he looked up at Sam and said, "Sam, I, also, am gay. I would like to know, would you be my boyfriend?"

Sam looked  at Buddy like he was going to cry. "Yes. Yes, Buddy I will be your boyfriend."

And then they started a pretty heated make-out session, oblivious to Chuck feeling oddly jealous of Sam.

Yes, guys, that is the end. i really dont know where to go from here, so i want at least five comments until my next upload. i really like to hear what you think so please telll me!!!!!!!!



Buddy the Gay Mashed potatoesWhere stories live. Discover now