Pls only read when you are 10+
As Muzan was passing through Yorichii's
house.And Yorichii was looking at Muzan as he walks by and Muzan did not know that Yorichii was looking at him through the window balcony and Yorichii was going
down stairs and Muzan was so far away from Yorichii then Yorichii caught up to Muzan and bites him like crazy and then
Pined Muzan to the tree and puts a sleeping pill to his mouth and Yorichii carried him to
His house. And then Yorichii puts Muzan to
his bed and Yorichii was taking a shower
Muzan then said where am I ow this is
Yorichii's house looks big Muzan then
Stands up to get a shower. When he open the door and he saw Yorichii wearing a towel and saw his abs he was staring in shock 😶Yorichii laughed😄
Follow for part2