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In Hidden Leaf, where shadows loom,
A tale of sorrow in the ninja's room.
Naruto, beneath the moon's cold light,
Carries burdens through each restless night.

A childhood spent without a trace,
Abandoned, lost in a heartless place.
The whispers, the glares, the cruel disdain,
His lonely cries masked by the rain.

A jinchuriki's fate, a painful curse,
His life entangled in something worse.
The Nine-Tails' power, a haunting song,
Innocence lost, forever gone.

The loss of friends, the ache of parting,
Aching wounds, never quite departing.
Sasuke's darkness, a friendship torn,
Leaving Naruto's heart deeply worn.

In battles fought, in battles lost,
The emotional toll, the heavy cost.
Each scar etched deep in his soul,
A tragic tale of a boy who'd pay the toll.

Yet through the tears and endless strife,
Naruto clung to the thread of life.
A lonely hero, his path so steep,
In sorrow's depths, he'd always weep.

In Hidden Leaf, where shadows cling,
Naruto's sadness is an echoing thing.
But from that pain, he'd rise above,
A testament to the power of love.

Hey, buy me a coffee which costs only 2 bucks. So I can buy a PS4 with a big T.V. to play some games.


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