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Two years ago...

Arthur's POV:

It was in the evening. The streets and highways bustled with vehicles. People were busy with their own worlds. The city was slowly glittering up with innumerable lights, and there was the setting sun trying its best to illuminate the sky before it was gone. Of course, no one paid any attention to its effort, as we are all busy in our own little lives. Working day and night to earn more and to make our lives more luxurious and flashy. The flashier life is, the better. A rat race.

I was looking out of the window from the CEO's office that was on the 34th floor of the Endurance building, Tower II, one of the buildings in the Nicholas headquarters.

It was my first day as the CEO of Nicholas Group after the board of directors appointed me as the next after my father.

It was neither my father's influence nor my surname that silver-spooned me into this position. I worked hard for it. It didn't take me a single day to reach this post. I started out as a normal employee, working at the grassroot level and gradually being promoted for my excellent decision-making, efficiency, and leadership qualities.

Working with regular employees gave me so much experience and knowledge about how the company works from within.

The timing was absolutely perfect. It was time for my grandmother to retire from her work duties as chairman and for my father, who was the then CEO, to take her place as chair of the board.

My commendable contributions to the company caught the eye of the directors of the board, and today I am standing as the CEO.

There was a little competition between me and Ethan, my cousin, because he's the son of the President of Nicholas, but it was no big deal. The directors aren't a bunch of fools who'll allow an incompetent person like him to take this heavyweight executive position.

*knock knock*

"Come in," I said as I turned around to face the person who knocked on the door.

It was Charles, my secretary. His father, Alfred, is our family butler. His family has provided faithful service to us for generations, and just like his father, Charles is as competent as he is. Even though he's younger than me, he's nearly perfect at everything he does. He's just like the secretary I needed.

"Sir, it's time. The car is waiting for you."

Ah yes, today, in the evening, there's a party to congratulate me on becoming CEO. A party to show off my position, to form friendships with influential figures in the business world as well as from other fields, and to put up a fake smile the entire time.

"Yeah, let's go." I followed Charles out of the office.

Once I got out of the building, I saw a limo waiting for me.

My secretary opened the door for me, and I got inside. Charles sat beside the chauffeur, and we drove off.

I looked at my watch, and it indicated 6 p.m.

"The party starts at 7:30, right?"

"Yes, sir. We'll now head to Nicholas Manor so that you can get ready."


I asked Charles to give me my tablet. I scrolled through different news stories and a few dashboards. Sometimes I looked out the car window to see the busy street as the car drove past. Christmas was close, and the shimmering lights and decorations around the city made me remember that one memory associated with my mother and father. It was the only Christmas that I truly cherish, as it was the only time we all spent Christmas together.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2023 ⏰

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