Part 41: Operation Save Sensei.

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It was Shia who first noticed the commotion.

"Isn't that someone being attacked ahead?"

As usual, Yue was pressed up against Hajime. Kaori was beside Keiji and she had to fight for this seat.

As Shia said, there appeared to be a caravan ahead with two groups, one attacking the other. As their vehicle approached, Hajime's far sight allowed him to see two groups in the middle of a battle, one offending and the other defending. Shia's ears picked up the roar of battle before Hajime could see them.

"They appear to be bandits. The bandits seem to outnumber the caravan guards by over 40 to just 15. The difference in their combat potential is clear." Hajime describes the situation.

"... Nn, the guards are putting up a good fight," Yue adds.

"They have a barrier spell surrounding the caravan, but it's not going to hold out. The bandits are trying to break the wall with magic."

"But their defense is holding for the moment."

"Having a barrier cover the entire caravan stretches it pretty thin. It will not endure long. They've bought themselves some time, but it won't hold."

It appears like the caravan faced a surprise attack. Numerous people within the barrier were crouched down with injuries, or worse dead. They had managed to take out a few bandits, but the bandits were still proportionally more. They had managed to erect a barrier, but once it failed the people of the caravan would undoubtedly meet a gruesome end.

Hajime's conversation was cut short as the barrier melted to nothingness. The bandits raised a shout and surged forward, breaking through the caravan's remaining defenses with vicious grins on their faces. The escort squadron fought back desperately, but they were outgunned. One person after another fell to injuries from the bandits.

Kaori had a determined expression on her face, she turned to Hajime and requested he help rescue them in a tone that suggested she was agitated.

"Hajime-kun Keiji-kun, please! Help them, if you can..."

"Relax he's going to help them already from the looks of it." Keiji yawned after being shaken awake by Kaori

 Hajime didn't respond only rolled his eyes at Keiji's response but accelerated his 4-wheeler instead. Since it was obvious the caravan would be wiped out if he didn't help, he had already decided he wanted to know their story. He wanted to say that to Kaori but didn't.

The 4-wheeler chewed into the ground as he accelerated with a vengeance, the car moving as if it was attached to a rocket engine.

"Hajime-kun, thank you..."

Kaori smiled happily as he began to take action. Hajime shrugged in response. Hajime was simply doing what he wanted to do. Yue tightened her seatbelt.

"Oh, that, Hajime-kun? Isn't this a bit..."

The feeling seemed to be ruined as the 4-wheeler continued to accelerate moment by moment. Although she asked him to help, she knew how cars worked on earth, and the speed he was charging at them didn't leave time to stop. Was he going to ram them with the 4-wheeler? Kaori could not help but think so.

With Kaori concerned, Hajime responded clearly.

"Don't they teach you to stomp the accelerator when you see a criminal in driving school?"


"Of course, they wouldn't teach that. Don't twist the traffic laws to your discretion. Hey, Yue, don't agree with him, stop nodding!"

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