Chapter 15 - Tiso the Warrior

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This epilogue might not make much sense if you haven't read my other fic, Repurposed. You don't have to read that fic to understand this, but if you're confused as to what the hell is going on, that's why. And if you have read my other fic, I feel the need to say that I realize in connecting these two stories I'm introducing a few plot issues for Quirrel's character in Repurposed. (Plot issues that I will try to fix here, but still, there might be something I miss or can't retcon.) Even so, I feel like this is the perfect ending I could give to Tiso's story, so this is what I chose.

In any case, thank you for reading 'till the end.


It was a nice view, Quirrel noted as he sat on the inn roof. It was the middle of the night, but the kingdom below him was as lively as ever. Golden light spilled out of the windows of every building, the distant sound of celebration and joy traveling to his ears. The rock ceiling, that reached so far above, contained tiny specks of quartz that glistened, shimmering like microscopic stars in a sea of the deepest blue. Yes, a nice view indeed, he thought as he leaned back, getting more comfortable where he sat.

He took a moment to appreciate it all, to recognize just how happy he was to be alive. It was something that he did more often these days.

The kingdom of Ironshell, he thought he'd never return here. A kingdom bustling with nailmasters of all walks of life, coming together to share the joy of combat and to compete in the most prestigious of tournaments. Such a diverse place it was, a wonderful mixture of cultures he would have otherwise never known. The kingdom existed as a celebration of life, but it was not his own will that had brought him back here.

The rooftop shook as two bugs climbed on top to join him. Looking rather pleased were Oro and Mato, Quirrel's traveling companions, grinning quite childishly. They were the ones who wanted to come to this kingdom to compete, a desire that surprised Quirrel after what the brothers experienced the last time they had been here, but he was glad they had given the kingdom another chance. They were glad too, if their grinning was any indication.

"We got a huge discount!" Mato exclaimed as he proudly held up a paper bag as if it were a trophy. "They said we deserved it after fighting so well!"

"Or maybe they just felt bad for us," Oro joked, but he was smiling too.

The brothers sat on either side of him, with Mato handing out the goodies from inside the bag. "This is yours," he said as he handed a bag of cookies to his brother, "I picked this one out for you," he gave a small box filled with an assortment of pastries to Quirrel, "and this is for me" he said as he lastly took out a large slice of pie, wasting no time in taking a bite.

Small conversation was made as they ate their treats. Quirrel focused more on their company than on the words that were being spoken.

"I'm surprised you two are taking this so well," Quirrel admitted after a stretch of silence. "The defeated nailmasters below you were much more distraught than I thought imaginable for a bug."

"Oh, don't worry, I'm very distraught right now," Oro said right before shoving his mouth full of cookies again, and speaking with his mouth full, said, "I'm just much better at hiding it."

Mato shrugged. "It's not a failure, it's a learning experience. Now we know to focus on our speed training once we get back home. I'm sure that once the next tournament comes around, we'll be ready."

"Oh gods," Oro groaned, "I don't want to hear a peep about training tonight. Can't we just enjoy a moment without your constant chatter of improvement? We're celebrating, for goodness sake."

"See, that is exactly where my surprise lies," Quirrel said. "If any other nailsmith were in your positions, the last thing on their mind would be celebration."

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