Season 2, Episode 1: Arrival.

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At the spacebridge behind Earth's moon, we see the space-bridge activate and then we now see Megatron's armada exit the portal as they have arrived in Vehicon Crimson's universe as Megatron was looking out at the window, staring at this universe's Earth

Megatron: (smirks) interesting.

Then starscream walked in the command bridge

Starscream: Lord Megatron, now that we've arrived in the universe that our "test subject" originated from, what are you plans for this universe, besides conquering it and all?

He asked as Megatron slowly turned his head and glared at starscream

Megatron: we start with finding a comm station that's strong enough to send a message to any and all cybertronians who wish to join me, even if they Decepticons that were dead in our universe. With their help, we'll merely outnumber this universe's autobots and finish this universe's war, the way it should've ended if IMP & their allies never met them to begin with.

He said as he seethed in saying that last part of the sentence, then BlitzKrieg showed up and groaned

BlitzKrieg: yeah, tell me about it. After what crimson said about this universe, it made and the others disgusted. Also, why did you send me and loona here, my lord.

He asked as loona revealed herself, but she got a major in she became a cybertronian, thanks to shockwave of course

(Like this)

Megatron: I want you to be our eyes & ears on Earth, monitor your counterpart and observe what his abilities are, then once you are done, report to me

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Megatron: I want you to be our eyes & ears on Earth, monitor your counterpart and observe what his abilities are, then once you are done, report to me.

He said as BlitzKrieg & loona nodded

BlitzKrieg: we'll do it immediately, Lord Megatron.

He said as he and loona left the bridge

Starscream: but what about me, what's my task, my Lord?

Megatron: you will be tasked in Searching for any & all remaining Decepticons who haven't accepted the demon-cybertronian alliance and once you do, bring them to me.

Starscream: as you wish, Lord Megatron.

he said with a bow as he then left for his task, leaving megatron alone in the command bridge

Megatron: soon, this universe will belong to the Decepticons and the Demon-Cybertronian Alliance will be nothing but a forgotten memory.

he said with a villainous smirk as he then started laughing like a villainous maniac


at the Autobot's base, we see a portal open up and what, or should i say WHO came out of it was a Technorganic that almost looks like that Kamen Rider Zombie character

(this guy)

???: (groans) what happened?

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???: (groans) what happened?

he asked as when he looked up, he sees two vehicons looking down at him, which made the technorganic pissed at seeing the vehicons as his arms turned into Ion blasters and shot the two vehicons in the heads, offlining them

???: Decepticons are here in this universe too!!!???

he said as he ran out of the room he was in and sees something that made him weirded out.......he was seeing Knockout & Breakdown making out, then they stopped as Knockout sees the technorganic having an even more angry look on his metal face as he screamed and charged at them

then all of a sudden, a vehicon showed up and knocked him out as he then looked at Knockout & Breakdown

Vehicon: should we call Optimus and tell him about this?

Knockout; yeah i think we should.

he said as Breakdown nodded in agreement

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