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Today is the day when Tae is going to bring The jeon princess on the earth yes it's a girl when they check the gender come out it's a girl

Here the Jeon couple they took the hospital on their heads why.? One because of sudden water broke and too much pain and other because he can't see his wife in pain

He shouting at the doctors because why didn't thay alart them thay it's may happen before date  and second there is no best female doctor available for the delivery and  it's middle of the night Tae's doctor is out of country for some important work

Kook doesn't want any male doctor to touch or deliver their baby but it is bad luck he have to agree with the male doctor because he can't see is babe in pain and more over his wife cursing his and passing him death glares

And finally Jk agree with it but in a condition that he will stay besides his wife doctors agrees with it

Inside the delivery room

Doctor: push mrs jeon  push

Tae: ahhhhhh i can't  it's paining

Doctor: But you vabe to mrs jeon

Tae: ahhhhhhhhh

Jk: hey doctor how dare you to shout away my wife can't see he is trying very hard so shut up and babe you can do it hmm for our princess come on


With that last push and loud scream Tae gave birth to their daughter but the baby was silent so the doctor held her leg and hung her ups and slapped her bum and the baby started crying loudly

Doctor give her to the nurse for clean and with a big smile he looks at jk but his smile drops when he saw jk's angry face before he can say anything a hard punch land on his face

Jk: How dare you slap and treat my princess like this you piece of shit

With that jk again punch the doctor others nurse's and Tae's eyes widen when they saw the doctor lay on the floor unconscious

Tae: Y-You bu-nny fac-e idot--

Tae also get unconscious because of tiredness and jk immediately starts seeking Tae when he saw Tae didn't open his eyes he then starts seeking the doctor and slapping him to wake up

Jk: Tae babe open your eyes what happened to you... Hey hey stupid doctor open your eyes heyy look at my wife hey you doctor get up

One of the nurses with so much courage say

Nurse: s-sir your wife got unconscious because of tiredness it's normal he can get is conscious after 2, 3 hours don't worry

Jk: Really.?

Nurse: yes sir trust us

Jk: Hmm

After Tae got his conscience he saw the doctor was checking him, maybe the doctor got his consciousness before him

Doc: oh mrs jeon you woke up great

Tae: Where is my baby

Doc: Oh she is there with your husband look

Tae look his husband sitting on the couch and their daughter in his arm he continuesly admire her angelic face that bring a smile on Tae's face

Tae: Kook

Jk: Hmm baby you woke up look here our princess, look how beautiful she is

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