Seven Mins in Heaven!

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-Time for a one shot!!! I haven't done one in a while. 

-This is when you and Tam weren't a couple yet!

You were dragged to Biana's birthday party. Yes, I said dragged, you'd rather be sleeping and reading but noo, Biana had to drag you out and make you say yes. So here you are  now, sitting in the bedroom of Biana Vacker and you weren't the only unfortunate one. She had dragged:

-Sophie (of course, Lady Fosboss)

-Linh, who came with Marella (marelinh for NotGnat)


-And you of course!

She was running around gushing how cute you would all look. After about who knows how many hours, you all had your dresses:



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Linh: Sorry if its a little smol.

Linh: Sorry if its a little smol

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After another hour you had makeup done as well as jewelry and nails! After the six of you were ready, you went down to the living area to wait for the boys

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After another hour you had makeup done as well as jewelry and nails! After the six of you were ready, you went down to the living area to wait for the boys. You start asking Biana what games you are going to play, but she just gave you a vague answer and dashed off to open the door.

While you were waiting, you tried to find a way to make Biana crack and tell, the boys came into the room. Tam made a beeline straight for you and Linh, when he saw you it froze and just stared. You blushed and smiled and waved at him. He waved back and began talking to you and Linh while you were chatting, Biana had begun her game.


"Y/N!" Biana called. You got pushed into a closet and the door slammed shut behind you. You took a small breath and looked around and took a step but tripped. A pair of strong arms caught you and gently brought you up. 

You glance into a pair of silver-blue eyes and a few seconds later, you felt a soft pressure on your lips, causing you to gasp and Tam kissed you until a few minutes later Biana opened the door, with a giddy smile on her face and Tam dragged you out of the room and outside.

You smiled as the silver-tipped hair boy brought you outside to a cute hilltop with a clear view of the stars to mumble his confession to you. Causing the two of you to kiss and cuddle the rest of the time on the hillside where Tam brought you.

Yeah!!!! I posted a chapter! Hope you guys liked this one. Sorry if it took kinda long...

Also thanks for 1.5k reads and for all the votes and comments. Honestly I didn't think I would get this far, as a first time writer but you all helped so much, with all your support! So thank you all so much and have a good day/night and enjoy reading! - Moonstar

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