34 1 1

October 19,2001

Today's could have been better

It went like this

I nearly laughed as I pulled the hood over my head and light a cigarette.The light flickered over the dark street and i slowly inhaled,and exhaled--a cloud releasing to the starry sky.As I expected the town I moved on was chill

Maybe?What do I know?

But enough of the main character narrative,jeez.Its already so ridiculous that i currently waste my precious time--writing this diary like a 7 year old coming back from school.But I guess I am not different,except I come back with my hands full of blood and a plastic bag for my needs

A broken radio and a couple of rats ain't enough to keep whatever sanity is left

Time passed and let myself wander around on the empty street

Nobody is usually passing by here especially at night.Gotta say the place looks atmospheric with the abandoned houses and lack of source of light,it truly felt like a scene where a monster thing is gonna snatch and pull you into the depths of hell

But currently the worst thing here is me so what's to fear

I spit the cigarette on the asphalt and rubbed the leaving light out of it with the sole of my shoe

It was 1:38 am

Heh I thought to myself--i still got some time to strike a house for the night,need to get the hell out of this neighborhood before cops start throwing fists at me.I heard some footsteps on the grass a few meters away from me--My heart froze and jolted around,to my thoughts I would witness a guy or chick following me or something but nothing was there...strange huh?

"My brain isn't...braining"

Muttered to myself as I checked my weapons and necessary tools in my pockets.Everything was set up to go and a good luck's sake on my side for tonight,surely a few knives and a chain is enough?Yeah I will be fine.


Coast was clear--everyone is sleeping nice and tightly at this hour (except that one guy on the last block,his eyes were literally glued on the screen and he played...what seemed to be Smash Bros?)

Gazing upon the house in front of me,i prepared my knife ready to climb inside the window.With all my strength I made it to the window,as I let out a groan as I feel my muscles stretch and

Already open?

Well,i don't really care easier for me now.Climbing inside carefully-- i landed silently as i could.Not a single soul in the bedroom,slowly I made my way to downstairs to check the other rooms

A few things were knocked down on the floor along with stepped on blood stains--near the kitchen

Someone has already break in--whoever lived here must have put on a good fight huh.As I looked more I realised nothing precious was taken from here, one thing was for sure:this wasn't a robbery

I entered the kitchen with caution and stopped at my tracks when I saw a pool of blood behind the counter.Aw man this was suppose to be my kill!

A young guy about 19 or something laying on the floor lifeless with his eyes open.The kill must have been fresh since the blood wouldn't stop pumping out of his abdomen like a damn fountain.The place were his kidney was covered in sliced flesh and crimson

I came even more closer and

His kidney was missing,the hell?I wanted to squint my eyes but then I remember I have no eyelids--right.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2023 ⏰

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