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This is one of my wolves from WolfQuest 3. Knowing me, I'll probably loose motivation before I can get her to age 8, but I decided to draw a picture of her anyways.

 Knowing me, I'll probably loose motivation before I can get her to age 8, but I decided to draw a picture of her anyways

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I first drew the outlines on a piece of paper irl. Then I took a screenshot of it and went to Ibis Paint X. Then I traced the outlines. After that, I colored in the drawing, and blurred it to blend some of the colors. After that, I added a bit of shading on some of the strands of fur and on the ears. I did that by adding a new layer, drawing with the Dip Pen (Hard) brush, selecting the black color, drawing where I wanted the shading, then going to the layers and changed the layer's opacity to around 50% (I think but I'm not positive). After that, I added light on one side using the Air Brush and changing the color to a light orange. I did the same to the other side except with the black color. And that's how I drew Dakota! This took me around 2-3 hours to make.
(I also forgot that Dakota has yellow eyes and not brown xD)

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