just some random doodles of my ocs/art practice~
I no longer use this art book, and instead post in another! All these drawings are mostly outdated as of now
This is one of my wolves from WolfQuest 3. Knowing me, I'll probably loose motivation before I can get her to age 8, but I decided to draw a picture of her anyways.
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I first drew the outlines on a piece of paper irl. Then I took a screenshot of it and went to Ibis Paint X. Then I traced the outlines. After that, I colored in the drawing, and blurred it to blend some of the colors. After that, I added a bit of shading on some of the strands of fur and on the ears. I did that by adding a new layer, drawing with the Dip Pen (Hard) brush, selecting the black color, drawing where I wanted the shading, then going to the layers and changed the layer's opacity to around 50% (I think but I'm not positive). After that, I added light on one side using the Air Brush and changing the color to a light orange. I did the same to the other side except with the black color. And that's how I drew Dakota! This took me around 2-3 hours to make. (I also forgot that Dakota has yellow eyes and not brown xD)