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Chapter One & Prologue


The air is brisk as night falls giving way for a new beginning. My beginning. As a demon of darkness and thirst for the living... My sire was very luring, and persuasive when I first meet him.

Then I had ventured into the dark once more. In search for him to ask him what he meant, but I was attacked by another. He said I smelled like the sun rise of early mornings. He spent time ripping my stomach open slowly. Causeing immense pain. Hi softly spoken words whispered against my ear piercing screams....

"Sing for me little bird. Soon you will be freed from your cage and you will fly again." I felt him rip my stomach out. The blood pumping free of the confines of my body. I shadowed in and out hearing him call me little bird. Saying that I'm not allowed to die yet. When I felt nothing beneath me I knew it would soon end. Finally giving me sweet release from this world to a next one. The pulling and jabbing stopped. I opened my eyes to see my sire. He looked me over his face impassive and unreadable.

"You have a choice..." His voice rang against the silence. Making my ears ring from the loudness. Tears slipped from my already tearful eyes as I listened to his proposition. "You can die a human, or become like me... I will warn you this life is a curse that not many can handle, but you must be ready for the responsibilities of your actions." His words rang full of dark wisdom. I choked on my own blood coughing as blood spurt out, I nodded my head as much as I could just for him to end my pain. His jade green eyes glinted in the dark changing his composure from a clam impassive man to a blood thirsty beast moving me slightly caused be to cry in pain he flinched. Bending his head down his fangs pierced my skin pinching me it didn't cause more pain, and the longer he held his head the the more the pain began to dull. As soon as the pain became a hum he pulled back, and bit his wrist pushing it against my lips coxaing me to use the last of my energy to drink.

"You will be quit mad with me when you wake up... Just please remember this. You can choose to be which beast you want to become whether it is to coexsit with the humans, or become the demon that is raging inside of us all. I gave you a chance at a second life and now it is you who will decide your new path. Choose wisely Una."


The air around me is earthy I move and I'm coved in dirt weighing me down in my place, and this panicked me I tried moving only adding to the pressure pushing me down. I stopped moving wondering why I wasn't being suffocated or being crushed by the weight. I lift my arm with ease pushing aside soil and dirt sitting up. I start digging my way out of the ground. I finally claw to the surface breathing in new smells stronger then my dull human senses. I look around for the first time seeing clearer an sharper. Everything around me feels like it is alive and thriving closing my eyes. I listen hearing as far as the city just beyond the forest. Soon I begin to hear the throbbing of hearts pumping blood through their veins making my mouth water my eyes flash open, and I lunge out of the earth sprinting to the city mad with thirst. As I come out from the forest their are a couple of dozen of people in the square talking and having fun. I look around looking for the right prey stalking around the benches, and the trees hiding my presence for a good hunting ground. I see a beautiful little girl with bouncing curls skip right near the edge. I crouch waiting for her to skip out of sight. She starts to hum looking around till she sees me tilting her head smiling with to dominate dimples. She walks over to me crouching holding her knees. I look at her taken aback my snarl drops as her little hand rises, touching my face giggling my eyes grow as she looks at me in amazement. My fangs retract and I sit infront of her playing with her curls which makes her laugh.

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