New Beginnings

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Chapter Two


I awoke the next night as the sun just set. My internal clock waking me from my slumber. I take a shower washing the dirt and grim. dressing in blue jeans and a black shirt leaving my hair down to air dry. Wiping away the condensation on the mirror to see myself. The first time since I was reborn. I looked the same as before. Just my face looked smooth like marble, and pale my eyes became bright hazlenut that have a dark sparkle. I walk into my bedroom for the last time grabbing my lockbox. Everything that is my identity bringing it downstairs starting a fire. Waiting till the flames a bright an blazing. I pull my parents will from it. Throwing everything else into the fire watching it burn. After 15 minutes everything that made me is gone. Now I make my new life. Starting today when I leave this city. I put the keys on the island. Where I said I'd put them with a note.

-Cindy, here are the keys to the house. I'm sorry. I could not be here when you put it on the market or sell it, but my vacation is long over due. An knowing you this place is in good hands. Give it to someone who will cherish and take care of it. When you first look at them and see it. Then try and make it in their price range. That is all I'm going to ask for the selling. Goodbye Cindy it was a pleasure doing business with you.

-Una Paxton

Making sure the door is unlocked. I set off getting in my range rover driving north to the airport. I arrived leaving my car in the parking lot. Grabbing my bags. Walking in on a ghost town. Due to the late hours booking a flight was quite easy. Just before sun up meaning it will be nightfall in Greece. I sat in the chairs provide reading to pass the time. As more an more people slowly began to fill in as the night vanished. Making way for the rising sun as my flight was boarding only a few people were on the plane so most of the blinds were closed. I waited til the last minute to close my blind. Seeing the sun just nearly peak over the horizon before it burned and stung. Quickly closing the blinds and laying back. The piolit makes an announcement and we take off. I buckle my seatbelt and ask for a pillow an blanket. The sweet flight attendant gets them with a kind smile handing them to me. I get comfy which is quite easy but I must seem as human as possible so I lay with my back facing the isle falling asleep.

I wake just as the plane lands looking out the window. Seeing a gorgeous city before me calling to me. The captain announces we have just arived in Greece.thanking us for flighting with them. I grab my bags getting off the plane. speeding my way into the night. Till I find a run down building with no windows,an old matrass to sleep on. I go out and prowl my new city seeing new faces. New places swarm these beautiful streets. Stopping what I assumed to be a bar. I walk in many people sitting with friends and coworkers. I order a cokr watching the street for any threat. when I hear someone clear their throat. I turn my head and see a man standing before me. He has the start of a beard adding edge to his look, his hair fresh cut sides and a stylish updo. He smiles and nods sitting across from me

"You speak English?" His voice is deep with a thick accent his embrale eyes sparkle when he smiles. I nod and tilt my head not understanding his intentions, or what caused him to talk to me. "I'm Azreal, and you are?" He holds his hand out in a friendly gesture, but I don't take it

"My name is Una, and I'm not interested so please leave my be." I say harshly. Looking back out of the window. Not looking as he leaves. sitting back by his buddies laughing at him. I just sit there till I feel its time to leave. Walking out of the bar onto the street. hearing footsteps echo behind me as if I were the prey.

What a twist I smile. Almost laugh from the iorny. I speed up and they do as well. I can tell there are three of them they are quite fast. They pick up their pace after a couple of streets. Soon we are on the outskirts and I think I'm going to make a game of it.

I may have sworn human blood off. doesn't mean my demon won't get a thrill from this so I'll play the victim. Then become the raging predator. I slow till I hear them right behind me. Looking back with a scared look as the man from the bar walks up griping my wrist. He smiles a sinister smile. Licking my skin and bites my ear. I shiver in disgute an I squeak. He gets a rise from this pushing me roughly against the wall.

"You really should have been nicer. This could have been prevented if only." His voice was strong and masculine. So he was pretending to be illiterate.

"If only... What?" He chuckled smiling. It would have been attractive if he wasn't a sick bastard.

"If and only if you accepted and were nicer."He forces himself on me. Holding my hands above my head. He kisses my breast forcing my legs open. Placing both my hands in one of his. His other hand rubs my womanhood. I try and "strrugle" in his grasp. He hits me quite hard forcing his pants down. He comes close again kissing my neck. My eyes flash open seeing a newcomer to our little party. his eyes cream gold flashing as he watches Azreal grind against me. I stare at his dim lit face confused. He kills the other two men garuding in blinding fury. Then he appears behind Azreal Staring into me. looking into my soul snarling he bites hard into his neck. Watching me the whole time. He bites his throat making him choke on his own blood before snaping his neck. Throwing the body aside he steps forward and kisses me. Tasting the blood on his lips lifting me with ease and roughly banging me against the wall squeezing my ass his tongue lines my lips. I open and he swirls his tongue for dominance biting my bottom lip kissing along my chin and down my neck to my sweet spot. He bites me and I can hear his emotions swirling around how beautiful I am. I tilt my head and sigh from pleasure. I kick him off me an run away spriting to the nearest river or lake. Seeing to get away from him. My neck is fully healed and I hear him behind me. This time his speed matches my own. I push further and cast myself into the water. Swimming as far and as fast as I can not hearing a splash after me which I am thankful for. I feel the sun riseing in a couple of hours. So I find shore and search for prey. After I finish of two deer's and a wildcat I burrow in the ground to tired to go home.

I push out of the ground an stretch. Getting back to my room in a few short minutes. changing my clothes into a white doors T and some skinny jeans, with my favorite black high top converse. This time I will run into any unexpected people... I hope. I run in the forest feeling the wind blow through my hair with delight I laugh. The noise booms around me, an I recall the mysterious man from the night before. What was he? I know I can sense my own kind, but he was not of my kin.


Strange sexy man who mysterious shows up??

What of this game Una was playing???

What was she gonna do if HE didn't show up???

Maybe I'll make a cut version of that scene... What do ya say???




See ya soon •_•


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