October 8th - Sex and Violence [Werewolf Kid x F!Reader] {Erotic Romance}

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• You learned your favorite Dom and his friends were a pack of werewolves, but it never really stopped you from seeing him

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You learned your favorite Dom and his friends were a pack of werewolves, but it never really stopped you from seeing him. When the full moon comes around, however, he always seems to change in more ways than one.

CW: BDSM, light predator/prey dynamics, rough sex, biting, knotting, a craving for fried oreos

Title Song: "Sex and Violence" By Scissor Sisters

• WC: 4.9k

Part 1 of 3

The room was in absolute shambles, but that was the reason you kept cheap furniture in the basement, save for the cast iron bed frame

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The room was in absolute shambles, but that was the reason you kept cheap furniture in the basement, save for the cast iron bed frame. You had your own play dungeon down there for yourself and the lovers you kept, though recently you were only really ever calling one man. There was now a permanent dent in the couch frame, one of the end tables may have been broken, the coffee table was definitely broken, and the two of you were side-by-side in the bed, panting in your post coital bliss.

Kissing your neck, your lover breathed out heavily, "Fuck, I needed that," growling as he gave your tender flesh a love bite. You squealed a bit and kicked your feet, the nip feeling almost ticklish compared to how rough he had been with you before this. The man let out a chuckle, lifting himself just enough to give you a kiss and then look at you with a soft smile, "Mind if I smoke?"

Shaking your head, you giggled back, "Nah, go for it, just open the window. But first, um... do you mind?" You wiggled your wrists a bit against the handcuffs attached to the headboard.

"Oh, shit, my bad."

Eustass Kid was a guy you had met at a bar about a year back and always kept on call when you wanted to be tossed around a bit. He was a pretty cool dude, and he was one the best Doms you could have ever asked for. The level of roughness was like no other, but you always noticed that he was roughest closest to the full moon. That probably had something to do with the fact that he was a werewolf more than anything else.

You had found out by accident. Kid never really wanted you to know if he could have helped it. He and his "Pack" (all of his friends) were caught by you in the nature preserve after hours, as you were a park ranger working the night shift at the time. There was a call about howling in the park; nothing unusual, as it was a national park outside of a big city, there were a few packs of stray dogs who lived there and no matter what the rangers tried, could never be caught. Little did you know that one of the groups was not actually strays at all.

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