Cheated Pt. 2 | Jenna Ortega

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Jenna Ortega x Black!Reader

Summay: jenna's secret is exposed

Warnings: mature language, angst, alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking

Chapter Song: heartless by kanye west

A/n: by popular demand I give you Cheated part two...enjoy


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"I love you, Luis"

You couldn't get those words out of your head no matter how hard you tried. It kept echoing in your head like an annoying song stuck on repeat. You've tried every method of forgetting by either drowning in alcohol or overtime at work. It only suppressed it for a little while before it clawed back into your brain.

You didn't know where you went wrong in the relationship. You kept wondering if you did something wrong. What could have you done better? You were stuck with questions with no answers.

You took another sip of whiskey from the glass as you scrolled through the thousands of death threats and hate tweets you got on Instagram and Twitter.

You're used to it though, when you and Jenna first started dating a small portion of fans didn't think you deserved her. You never paid them any mind knowing that they were only upset that they didn't get a chance with her.

jennaortegafanduel: you don't deserve another peaceful day in your life

mxortega: you attack a man unprovoked how much of a coward are you

guiterriezortega: I told y'all from the beginning that I never liked Y/n. Luis and Jenna were always better looking together

No one knew the truth. The truth as to why you attacked Luis in the first place. No one seemed to care to ask why you did it. They only focused on the fact that their dream man was hurt. Jenna nor Luis's team bothers to put a stop to the narrative being spun.

You had half the mind to leak all the pictures you had to the world. To show them the real Jenna Ortega. But the sensible side of you advised against it.

Eight years down the drain...eight years. Those years didn't just represent you and Jenna being together. It represented you finally taking back your life after your mother snatched any happiness you felt. It represented a start over and finally experiencing a life and a love you never experienced before.


"Come on Don put your back into it" You struggled as you and Donny tried to carry a dresser to his apartment.

"I'm trying. This shit is like 200 pounds" Donny grunted as he tried to get a good grip on the furniture.

He was definitely exaggerating about the pounds. But it was heavy as hell. You were helping Donny move into his new apartment downtown. You wanted to be a good friend but you were starting to regret helping out.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2023 ⏰

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