Part 2

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He's left for the store leaving me in this big empty house, perfect timing to plot my escape. I dig into my chest and fund the key that's on my necklace. Then I walk into the basement and move the big, heavy dresser that stands on top of the black rug and rolled the rug away, exposing the lock in the floor. The key was inserted in the lock, and opened to show yet another lock, but this one was in pass code form. I typed in the password and the lock opened. I took out a little blue book and closed the basement door locking it from the inside, to make sure no one comes in. That's were I write my plan to escape this hell hole. I turn to one of the pages and study the plan.
Step1: put bleach in to vinegar bottle.
Step 2: soak beans in bleach
Step3: make chili and cornbread.
Step4:put sleeping pills in drinks.
Step5: bring him dinner in bed.

I heard the car pull into the driveway. I put the book back into the safe,lock the door, moved the dresser back, and jogged down stairs to meet him at the door.

Hay baby I got every on the list. He said kissing me on the lips and putting the groceries in the kitchen.

"Thanks for getting them for me." I said wrapping my hands around his neck giving him a peck on the cheek.

You're welcome, so what what are we having? He asked while watching me pulling out more ingredients for the dinner.

We're having chili with rice,cornbread, and strawberry lemonade. I said while seasoning and cooking the ground beef.

Mmmmm that sounds great do you need any help? He asked while kissing my neck.

Mmm no but thanks for the offer. I said stirring the meat.

Mhm ok I'll be upstairs if you need me.

Ok then call you when the food is done. I said.

I heard him walk upstairs and that's when I put the pills in the drinks. I put the cornbread in the oven and turned the chili down to low. I turned off the rice so it wouldn't burn.

20 minutes later

I took out the cornbread and set it on top of the stove. I wash my hands off,dried them, and and went upstairs.

Come eat the food is done. I said leaving the room. I got out two bowl and filled them with rice and chili and grabbing two saucers for the cornbread.

Mmmm it looks soooo good. He said licking his lips and rubbing his hands together.

Here's yours chili and your drink. I said handing him the glass and bowl.

Mmm thanks baby. He said kissing me on my cheek.

We sat down and ate our food. I watched as he took huge gulps of the lemonade.

This was great ima go and get more. He got up and went to the stove and refilled his glass.

Go ahead get has much as you want. I mumbled under my breath while eating my food.

We ate for a few more minutes. Once we done we washed the dishes, put the food up, and went upstairs.

He layed on the bed while I went to get the baby oil and started to massage him.

Mmm right there. He said. As I was rubbing his lower back.
As I was massaging him notice he was falling asleep.

Babe. I said.

Yea. He said mumbling.

What's the combination to the money safe?

7,28,19. He yawns falls into a deep sleep.

I got up and went to the safe,put in the combination, and took out $50,000. I close the safe and stuff the money into a duffle bag. I took some clothes and other important stuff. I opened the door while turning off the lights. I closed the door and started walking.

3 Hours Later

I finally able to stop walking. Ive been walking forever try to find a town. I kept walking looking at the different buildings trying to find a hotel. A few minutes later I stopped in front of a building.

The Marriott hotel. I read the sign to my self.

I walked though the door to the desk.

Hi um I would like to rent a room for a week. I said to the booker.

Sure. What is your name? She said typing something into the computer.

Mia Anderson

Ok Ms Anderson your total is $1000.00.

I gave her the money and she handed me the key.

Have a nice stay at the Marriott hotel.

Thank you I said.

I walked though the lobby going to the elevator. I pressed the button waiting for the one of the six elevators. I heard the bell signaling that the elevator was here. I got into the elevator and punch in my floor number. I was soo tired I didn't even notice the man standing right next to me was talking to me.

Oh I'm sorry what did you say?

I asked were you ok because you look exhausted. He said with a worried face.

Yea I'm ok just tired thanks for asking. I said the elevator stopped.

No problem. Ladies first. He said hold the elevator door open.

Thanks. I walked out the elevator looking for my hotel room.

Need help? The dude from the elevator asked.

Yea I'm looking for room 234.

Oh that's weird.

What's weird?

Your room is next to mine. He said.

Oh well lead the way. I said following him.
As we walking I couldn't help but to look at his toned body the way his muscles looked in his muscle shirt was just OMG. I was in a trance for so I bumped into something hard.

Did you hear anything I just said? He asked while smirking

Um no sorry. I said blushing in embarrassment.

I said we're here. He said.

Oh thank you...

Chresanto. He said

Oh. Well good night Chresanto.

Good night...


Well good night Miss Mia. He said going inside his room.

I went inside my room closing the door. I set my bag on the bed getting out my pajamas and body wash. I went into the bathroom and hopped in the shower.

15 minutes later

I got out the shower,dried myself off,and put on my pajamas. I came out the bathroom and put lotion on my body. After that I jumped onto the bed I layed in the bed slowly closing my eyes whispering these words.

I'm free at last...

Hay y'all mbhorserider here sorry this part took soooo long school started real early like August 3 .
But I hope you guys like the part don't forget to vote and comment. Peace ✌✌✌✌✌

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