His arrival.. was beauty.

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Life sometimes is beautiful, and sometimes the total opposite.. but yet the arrival of Luka Modrić from Tottenham to Real Madrid. Was one of the more beautiful if not.. the most beautiful thing to happen in Sergio's life.

The signing of Luka Modrić wasn't too expected of Real Madrid, a short and more lean Croatian midfielder. But Real Madrid found potential in him, and that would certainly show later on.. and amongst the team now.. he's certainly become one of the team's necessity's no one could imagine the Real Madrid squad without him especially.. Sergio.

Luka quickly won the hearts of Santiago Bernabéu but.. mostly, Sergio's heart.. day by day new feelings made it's way into Sergio's heart.. most warm and fuzzy. The delight and joy when he saw Luka was something only his eyes can describe.. the pure joy.

Another day of training quickly came.. Sergio and Luka since they've become close over the years chose to live in a house near Bernabéu together. Their morning stayed like normal.. Sergio got up made them some food and then finally he woke Luka up, the two chowed down on their food hungrily. Luka's messy hair made him look cute.. at least to Sergio.. and of course Sergio tried to get his mind off Luka by scrolling on his phone. And of course like any other morning it really doesn't work.. "Sergio!" Luka said in a pretty loud tone. Sergio finally snapped out of his daze.. "sorry sorry.." he apologised smiling nervously. After that little exchange the two got dressed and headed for training.

Finally when they reached Santiago Bernabéu, they began training.. but as Marcelo and Sergio were training Sergio's attention seemed to be elsewhere. Marcelo called for him, "Sergio!!" And yet again Sergio was snapped out of his daydream's of the Croatian midfielder. "Yeah yeah coming.." Sergio replied jogging over to Marcelo who was practicing his dribbling. Training went on as usual.. except for Sergio catching a few glances of Luka every now and then.. almost everyone noticed, except Luka for some reason.

Training ended after a long and sweaty day.. Sergio was waiting for Luka since they lived together, sergio would wait for Luka to go home together. After a short drive back to their house they arrived, the clinking of Keys could be heard as Sergio unlocked the door. Sergio rested on the couch while Luka took a shower, and that was the end of their day.. together.

- that's the end of my first story :) hope you enjoyed

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