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We both returned to the class afterwards. I sat back in my seat, the new guy looked at me.

"Hey, you good?"


"Are you okay? You guys were gone for a long time."

"Oh, yeah. Just some complication."

I wasn't sure if the complication was my panic attack, or our kissing session.

"I think we didn't exactly started at good terms. I'm taehyung, you can call me tae."

He gave me his hand so I could shake it.

"I'm jisung." I said, shaking his hand.

We then started talking a little bit. He wasn't so bad to be honest, he was actually kind of funny.

"My family is rich, but I wanted to try and work, just so I can see how it works, if something bad happened and I had to work."

"Did you find something?" I asked him

"No, nothing is to my liking."

"Well, I work at a near by cafe and we need a few people, wouldn't you like to try it?"

"Well, maybe I could, can you show me where it is?"

"Yeah of course, I'm going there after school, we can go together."

"All right."

The school ended and I went to the cafe with taehyung. He was gonna prepare and serve the guests, so he will spend a lot of time with me.
It was kind of funny to watch him kind of struggling.
He is a fast learner tho, he quickly managed and he actually enjoyed it.

"Hey, this job isn't that bad." he said

"I'm glad you're enjoying it." I said, smiling.

He was ending on the same time i was, because we both worked the same shift. His driver came and picked him up.

"Hey, sung!" he yelled so I could hear him.


"Should we drive you home?"

"Thank you, but I will refuse. I really like night walks."

"All right, be careful."

"Will do."

And I left home. I opened the door and Minho and Ari were watching frozen. Minho was just singing let it go and it was the funniest thing I ever seen. When they noticed me, Ari got up and ran to hug me. I hugged her back.

"You're watching frozen?" I asked them

"Duh." Minho answered.

"Yeah, duh." Ari said with the same tone as Minho

"Minho I swear to god if you turn her into a little version of yourself I will send you to god."

He just chuckled. I than sat next to him, Ari sitting on my lap.

We then watched the whole film.

"You guys, I still think this was all Anna's fault."

"What do you mean?" Minho asked me

"Well, she was jumping on these things Elsa created, getting hit by Elsa's power, which led to Elsa's closing and then she revealed her powers when she wanted to marry a man SHE JUST MET and Elsa was trying to tell her that is the wrong thing. When Elsa was finally happy in her castle, that bitch had to come and destroy Elsa by making her go mad and shot her in the heart with her powers. I still think it was all Anna's fault."

"Okay, that's not a bad point." Minho said

"But Anna fell in love with Hans when she saw him. It was a love at first sight. Do you not believe in love at first sight?" Ari asked me

"Of course I do, but I wouldn't MARRY THEM the same day without even knowing their past or all things about them."

"I would marry you right now jisung." Minho said

"Minho you should help me make her understand why it's wrong to marry someone you just met, NOT SIDING WITH HER!" I said, whining

They both started laughing.

It was time for Ari to go to sleep. We both came to her room and I was laying beside her, while Minho was sitting on the corner of the bed. When she fall asleep, I slowly and carefully got up, Minho doing the same. We came out of the bedroom and we sighed.

"Good night Minho." I said with a smile.

"Jisung, wait." he said

I turned around, he looked serious

"We need to talk."  he said

"I'm getting scared, what happened?" I said

"Jisung......I saw your wrist."

My smile instantly faded.

Oh fuck

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