Chapter 64

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Read Accidentally Become the Belief of the Whole World Chapter 64: Aquaman (ten)

Smintage and other students of Caranti are packing up the potion materials needed for the awakening potion.

Zhao Jiangcheng and Lin Yiwen sat on one side and observed the students.

With these two people around, even if Shi Jingge and Ye Mingxu were doing nothing on stage, they would not dare to do anything too eye-catching.

Just looking at each other.

But for this point, no one present felt that there was anything wrong.

Now that the ingredients for the medicine have not been processed, the two of them can only wait. What else can they do besides look at each other to be provocative?

Look at the eyes of our brother Xu, it is called a cold and domineering, with a noble and glamorous look in the downcast eyes, which fully shows their spirit of a smart king!

The four of Smintage were extremely relieved and nodded repeatedly, especially the student who just went up, feeling ashamed in his heart.

—Compared with Brother Xu, he is really far behind!

The four of Smintchi's people were proud, and the four of Caranti's were also very proud.

Look at their Xiao Ge's eyes, they are neither humble nor arrogant, and they are proud and never bow their heads. Although they are young, they are not at a disadvantage. This is definitely a good child taught by their Karanti!

Proud, proud, proud.

Every time the students on both sides glanced at the stage, they felt that they were full of motivation.

—They must get the materials ready, and they must not hold back Brother Xu's performance!

Only Zhao Jiangcheng and Lin Yiwen felt that something was wrong, but they couldn't tell what was wrong.

There's really nothing wrong with that.

Ye Mingxu was still so indifferent and perverse, Shi Jingge was still so indifferent, and the two of them looked at each other, and there was indeed gunpowder smoke, so there was nothing wrong with that, right?

Zhao Jiangcheng, Lin Yiwen and four other disciples who were dealing with the medicine materials could not give Ye Mingxu and Shi Jingge every second. Naturally, they didn't catch anything, so they didn't pay more attention.

Shi Jingge turned sideways slightly, avoiding the direction of Zhao Jiangcheng and Lin Yiwen, and smiled at Ye Mingxu.

Ye Mingxu froze for a moment, and imitated Shi Jingge's way, curling the corners of his lips.

Ye Mingxu did this action, which was actually a bit weird, but his eyes were clear and filled with pure joy, so Shi Jingge didn't think it was weird.

Shi Jingge pointed to his optical brain bracelet, and then took off the bracelet. Ye Mingxu also followed Shi Jingge's example, and took off the optical brain bracelet.

The two were on the stage, and there was a console on the stage. Shi Jingge leaned towards the console, put the optical brain bracelet under the console, blocked Zhao Jiangcheng and Lin Yiwen's sight with his body, and sent a message to Ye Mingxu.

Time Scene Song: [Smiling face emoticon package.jpg]

Although Ye Mingxu didn't understand what it meant, he knew that Shi Jingge asked him to do the same, so he also took off the optical brain bracelet and followed Shi Jingge's example.

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