Chapter 1: Twist of Fate

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Sakusa Kiyoomi had always been particular about many things. He liked his personal space, he despised germs, and he was precise in every move he made both on and off the court. But when it came to Miya Atsumu, nothing ever seemed to go according to plan.

The sun was beginning to set as Sakusa walked through the streets of Tokyo. He had agreed, against his better judgment, to meet Atsumu at a small café nestled in a quieter part of the city. Atsumu claimed it was because their coffees were divine, but Sakusa had a suspicion it was because the blonde setter knew Sakusa would hate crowded places.

Pushing open the door to the café, Sakusa's eyes quickly found Atsumu, grinning like an idiot at the farthest corner table.

"Omi-kun! Over here!" Atsumu waved, making no effort to be discreet.

Sakusa approached the table, nodding slightly. "Miya."

Atsumu studied him for a moment. "You look good," he commented casually, sipping his drink.

Sakusa raised an eyebrow. "Why did you want to meet?"

A mischievous glint appeared in Atsumu's eyes. "Can't I just want to see my favorite teammate?"

Sakusa sighed. "We're not teammates anymore, Miya."

The words hung in the air, a reminder of the recent events. After the Olympics, Atsumu had received an offer to play overseas, while Sakusa had chosen to stay in Japan.

Atsumu's face turned serious. "I know, Omi-kun. That's part of why I wanted to see you."

The two of them fell into a comfortable silence, both lost in their own thoughts. Sakusa had always been wary of Atsumu. From his unpredictable nature on the court to his flamboyant personality off of it. Yet, somewhere along the line, they had formed an unlikely bond.

"You remember our first practice together?" Atsumu suddenly asked, a wistful look in his eyes.

Sakusa smirked. "You mean when you tried to set to me and it went straight into the net?"

Atsumu rolled his eyes. "I mean after that. The late-night practice."

Sakusa nodded. "I remember."

It had been a tough day. Their team had been out of sync, and both of them had been at their wits' end. In a fit of frustration, Atsumu had dragged Sakusa back to the gym late at night, determined to perfect their connection. Hours had passed, and by dawn, they had found their rhythm.

"That was the moment I knew we were meant to be more than just teammates," Atsumu murmured.

Sakusa looked taken aback. "What do you mean?"

Atsumu looked deep into Sakusa's eyes. "I mean, Omi-kun, that there's always been something between us. Something more than just rivalry or camaraderie."

Sakusa's heart raced. He had felt it too, that unspoken tension, but he had always pushed it away, thinking it was just a figment of his imagination.

Before he could respond, Atsumu leaned across the table, capturing Sakusa's lips in a soft, gentle kiss. It was a revelation, a confirmation of everything they had felt but never voiced.

Pulling away, Atsumu whispered, "I'm leaving for Italy next week. But I wanted you to know how I felt before I left."

Sakusa's mind raced. "Miya... I-"

But Atsumu cut him off with another kiss. "No need to say anything, Omi-kun. Just promise me we'll find our way back to each other."

Sakusa nodded, feeling a warmth spread through his chest. "I promise."

Twist of Fate - sakuatsu fluff + angstWhere stories live. Discover now