Looking down on the world I love so much i watch as people fall in love, as children are born and as loved ones pass away. Turning my head i gaze into the eyes of the queen of angels standing next to me. "Mother why is it that i am drawn to the earth so much? Why do you and i love the humans so much but father despises them?"
Gently resting her hand on my shoulder she smiles sadly as if remembering a fond memory. "My dear Sunshine, there is something that i have been withholding from you for many many years now. Your father king Michael is not your true father. Your true father is a beautiful creature from earth, go i want you to go to earth and find your true home.
Standing i pull the only woman i ever cared for into my arms and held her one last time knowing what this trip meant. Pulling away i step to the edge of the heavens and in one fluid motion i leap off the edged plummeting down, down toward the ever growing earth. Finally much like the commit that wiped out the ancient beasts of this land, the dinosaurs, i crash to the ground creating a gigantic crater and emanating a fiery aura.