Last Night

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The rest of May seemed to go by in a blur. Between making sure everything got and stayed healthy at home, helping out Doc Atkins, and getting back into roping, my days were long and I was not the happiest person to be around during this time. On the morning of June first that all changed. You see, around here the first week of June was the start of rodeo season, from small ranch rodeos to the big one in Livingston. No matter how hard, horrible, or long my day was, going to the rodeo made me the happiest person on Earth.

After a full day of helping Doc Atkins finish packing up his clinic, I was beat. When I finally got back home all I could think about was taking a hot shower and maybe squeezing in a quick nap before I headed to Livingston for the rodeo that night. But those plans changed when I saw the cowboys all standing by the stables. They all looked hot and tired, which is expected when they spent the whole day clearing fence lines and fixing fences in the pastures where we put our cows for the winter. I knew I had just the thing to cheer them up sitting in the back of my truck.

When I got down to the barns everyone seemed too tired to even notice me but once I set the cooler that I had right in front of them and opened it up everyone looked my way. "Anyone want a cold beer?" A round of cheers came from everyone as they all jumped onto the cooler like a hungry pack of wolves. The only civil one out of the bunch was Lloyd who at least let out a thank you before he joined the rest of the men.

I giggled as I watched these grown men down beer as if their lives depended on it.

When everyone was done chugging their beers I cleared my throat to get their attention. "Well now that y'all have finally come up for air, Dad wanted me to tell y'all that you're free to go to the rodeo in Livingston tonight and of course Friday night. Now if y'all would excuse me, I have a hot shower calling my name."

I heard a quick round of thanks before everyone went back for another round. I was halfway towards the house when I heard someone come jogging up behind me.

"Hey Clara wait"

I stopped and turned to face Ryan

"Have you decided if you and Sundance are gonna enter the rodeo yet?"

"I don't know yet. I mean I haven't rodeoed since high school and Livingston is a pretty big one."

"Hey, I haven't been watching you practice your ass off for nothing. You know exactly what to do and I'm.... we're gonna be there the whole time cheering you on."

"Thanks, Ryan. I still have until tomorrow night to decide." I said as I turned to head the rest of the way to the house. Why did my face feel hot?

"One more thing," I stopped and looked back at Ryan "After the rodeo, we were all gonna head to the Red Horse if you want to come"

"Sounds fun, count me in"

We smiled and parted ways.


I stepped out of the shower, threw on my robe, and lay on my bed. I started pondering why I feel so nervous about competing in the rodeo.

A knock at my door stopped me from drifting asleep.

"Come in!" I shout

"Hey sweetheart, are you busy" Dad says from my now open door

I sat up "No Dad just resting before the rodeo. What's up?"

He came over and sat on the foot of my bed. "I want you to be more involved with some of the bigger disscusions we have for the future of the ranch." I looked at him curiously. "Honey, I know you're not oblivious to some of the things we have to do to keep this place running. I'm just asking that when the time comes, you'll be by my side when we have to do some of those things."

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