Chapter 2- The chosen

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(Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and, is no way connected to real life whatsoever.)

''A month later''

The recruits completed their training, finally earning their glaives.

Under the heat of the scorching sun once again. All the recruits were gathered, as they are about to embark on their first mission. Now being full fledged soldiers, they were divided into groups containing 7 persons each. These groups were later called squads, and what was once their drill sergeant is now their commanding officer.

Each squad was then given unique names. And meanwhile Fate is assigned to the squad named "Hiwaga.''

Like the other squads, Hiwaga had 7 soldiers in it, Mainly:

Artagnan- The squad leader, he is a brave soldier who does not fear death. He's fast and agile, and quite strong as well. But what seperated him from the other soldiers was his caring nature.  He always prioritized others before him, making him more than capable as the squad leader.

Fate- She is the fastest and the most agile in squad Hiwaga. But she sometimes make  reckless decisions in the heat of battle. She is determined and hardworking, and that's what makes her a deadly soldier.

Reyjen- The second female member of squad  Hiwaga. She is average in hand to hand combat, But her intellect surpasses even the squad leader. She can devise a strategy, by just looking at her enemy almost immediately.

Arthur- The muscle of squad Hiwaga, He's the strongest member of the squad, however he is also the slowest.

Sherwin- Nobody takes this guy seriously because of his jokester nature. However in the battlefield, Sherwin has proved himself as extremely talented when it comes to the art of battle. 

Sayud- He doesn't talk much, and his skill is the same level as sherwin's. But what seperated him from the others was his enhanced senses. He can sense an enemy inside the range of 50 meter radius.

Josh- He is the weakest member of the squad. But when it comes to weapons maintenance and repair, he's your guy.

All the squads gathered, whilst waiting for the order of their commanding officer. Scanning the scene and seeing that all squad is ready, the commanding officer says, ''Soldiers! You have all proven yourselves as true warriors dedicated on the sole purpose to protect humanity. You are all about to embark on your first mission, The creatures your about to face are the (Diwende) and the (Aswang). This are low tier creatures, but make no mistake. They are as deadly as the rest of them. Don't let your guard down, for even a split second, and work as a team. I wish you all the best of luck. All squads deploy!''.

In unison all the soldiers shouted, ''Sir yes Sir!'' as they marched outside the gates, that protected them against the creatures. Before splitting up into groups the soldiers let's out a battle roar, shouting, ''Death to the creatures! HURAH!''

After shouting they ran into battle, as loud rumbling of the soldiers feet echoed through the land, they then split into their squads with one goal in mind. To slay as many of the creatures as they can.

Meanwhile from squad Hiwaga as they ran, Artagnan said to his team, '' Alright guys this is the real thing, keep close and remember what we trained for.''

''We're gonna crush those monsters!'' Arthur answered.

On the other hand Sherwin laughed as he said with a confident voice, ''Finally I get to kill me some monsters!''

With a gentle voice Sayud says, ''I sense Diwende's 10 meters to the east.'' thanks to his sensory talent.

''Good, they will be our first target. Squad Hiwaga on me!'' Artagnan answered as he leads his team towards the enemies location.

They arrived at the plains not to far from the gates, There they encountered lots and lots of diwendes.

Diwendes- They are short creatures shaped like humans, They are quick and agile many soldiers died because of them. But they can be killed by cutting of their heads. Piercing their heart is unecessary.

Squad Hiwaga engaged the creatures known as Diwendes in battle. Jumping first to battle was Sherwin as he slices through the heads of the Diwendes using his trusty glaive. ''Die you filthy fiends!'' Said Sherwin.

Fate followed as she made quick work with the Diwendes showcasing her speed. She exhales, ''I'll slaughter you all!''

Meanwhile with his brute strength Arthur charged the enemies, as he tosses them around like mere pebbles.

With each slash from their glaives squad Hiwaga cleared all the diwendes in the area.

''Phew, I think that's all of them...'' Said Artagnan as he wipes of the blood from his glaive.

''Tch! that's it? I didn't even break a sweat." said Sherwin.

And after a few minutes of rest, Sayud sensed something again as he says to the squad, ''Multiple aswang's are approaching 12 meters north.''

''They're taking the fight to us huh?... Squad prepare to ambush the enemy.'' Said Artagnan as they hid under random obstacles, preparing to ambush the approaching creatures.

Aswangs- Soldiers or any human, who were bitten by the creatures. Their blood was rid from it's purity, turning them into disfigured undeads. What makes them deadly is their ability to shapeshift.

The aswang's arrived, but thanks to Artagnan's call to prepare an ambush. They made quick work of the creatures. However Some escaped by turning into small rodents, or even birds.

Hours into the mission, Squad Hiwaga alone was able to wipe hundreds of the creatures inside the Island. With Artagnan as the leader. Sherwin, Arthur, and Fate's excellent display in skill. Reyjen's ability to analyze the movement of the creatures. And Sayud's excellent sensory skills.

The first mission was a success.


Back at the camp.

All squads had returned safely from their first mission. They were then gathered by their  commanding officer at the usual place. All were quite cheerful because of their victory. For the first time since the first attack that took place 13 years earlier, Mankind had  won against the fight with the creatures with 0 casualty in the military. It became clear to the 3rd clan, that the candidates for the 47th expedition has talent, and potential.

Ordering the squads to quiet down, their commanding officer says, ''Excellent job to all of you. Never had humanity won against the creatures, as spectacularly as you did today. 0 casualty! Well done, I couldn't be more proud to all of you.''  

Upon hearing the commanders speech, the soldiers clapped and cheered. 

But after a few seconds of clapping cheering, the commanding officer ordered them to quiet down once again, as he tells all the soldiers, ''Now then! Rest up... Cause tomorrow will finally be the selection for the squad that will take part on the 47th Expedition.''


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