Longing Lust

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Blood & A bit of spice
(Nothing s*xual though cause that's fucking disgusting)

"Since you're like an hour early everything isn't quite prepped yet, so I might need a few minutes to finish finding and setting up shit"

SMG3 said as SMG4 sat down on a chair

"That's totally fine... Take all the time you need"

"Thanks... Oh! By the way! Can you check if Eggdog has food in his bowl for me, please?"

SMG3 requested as he put the lavender SMG4 got him into a vase he found

"Of course, Anything for you moonlight~"

SMG3 blushed at the new nickname he'd been given then proceeded to go back upstairs to finish finding and preparing stuff

"Ok... Food bowl... Where would that be..."

SMG4 got up from the chair he was sitting in and started looking around the room until he finally found it

As he inspected the bowl he noticed it did in fact have food in it but it was only halfway full so SMG4 decided to fill it back up f̶o̶r̶ ̶S̶M̶G̶3̶'̶s̶ ̶a̶p̶p̶r̶o̶v̶a̶l̶ to be nice

As SMG4 filled the bowl back up Eggdog came out of hiding and came to inspect the bowl

Eggdog looked at SMG4 still feeling a bit unsure about him cause of the strange aura he was giving off then sniffed the food bowl

Eggdog began to eat because he was in fact a bit hungry but was still being cautious of SMG4 cause he still didn't trust him

"Alright, everythings all ready... How's it going down here?"

"Ok! I was just filling up Eggdogs food bowl cause it seemed low... I hope that's alright"

SMG4 beamed as SMG3 stared at him in surprise

"Oh, Uh... Yeah! That's fine... Thanks!"

"No problem"

SMG4 blankly smiled at SMG3 which made him a bit unsettled for a second but just brushed it off

"Alright, C'mon!"

SMG3 said as he started heading up the stairs, but before SMG4 followed he reached down to pet Eggdog... Which was a VERY bad idea...

As he touched him Eggdog panicked and bit him

As he touched him Eggdog panicked and bit him

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SMG4 yelped as SMG3 who was still in view of the living room saw this and gasped

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