This is a moment, you have been waiting for.
The moment you live and never die.
In it is an understanding of the life that earns you the unending Soul.1. No one person is less, everyone is to be respected and valued. Everyone is to be respected and valued. Don’t think evil in your heart towards your fellow human. Treat them the way you want to be treated.
2. Think about helping others, and uplifting them. Let this be your priority in life, and the essence of your living. Never expect or wish any living soul downfall, instead show love.
3. Force and push yourself to give to those that are in need, even that little you gave is fine.
4. You will be hurt by people, and betrayed, and be cast away, but yet, still love them. Learn to kill your pain. Sacrifice yourself for others be it good or bad.
5. Everyone is Equal. Never imagine yourself above anyone, even if you were given a position as a leader. Instead bow before them by your actions of rendering service to them. Kill your personality, you don’t need it.
6. Jesus is the only God you should pray to, and worship and sing to.
7. Share this message, and tell others too on how to live and who their God is.