Chapter Sixteen :

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Tw for mentions religious trauma and parental abuse

Damien can remember the day Shayne came to him and confided in him about his feelings for Courtney as though it was yesterday. He hadn't long started at Smosh, himself, on the games channel, but he and Shayne had been friends for years - ever since their So Random days, and even before that, when they met in an audition. They were playing Resident Evil together and he had paused the game, turning to Damien before asking if he could keep a secret.

The memory almost makes Damien want to laugh, because he already knew about his friend's feelings for Courtney. He just wondered how long it would take Shayne to come around and realise exactly what he was feeling.

He knew Courtney felt the same way, too. That was the worst part.

He watched for months as the two of them danced around their feelings for each other, making no attempt to do anything about it. Which he understood; Defy contracts stated there were to be no inter-cast relationships and they'd all signed in agreement with that. But then Defy shut down, their channel was in danger and things were...rough. Of course it wasn't the time for his friends to get together, but he'd sort of hoped that they would. After all, they had been relying on each other and supporting each other through that time.

Mythical had bought Smosh earlier in the year, and their months of uncertainty were finally under. With new contracts that didn't forbid relationships between cast members, too. It seemed perfect, as though this was finally the time for the two people who were so perfect for the other to finally come together and be happy.

But then Courtney had revealed that her boyfriend was moving in with her, after she'd had to give Jango to her mother for 'reasons'. They'd been aware she was seeing someone (mainly after he'd stopped her from going to her own birthday party the year before), but they didn't think her relationship was that serious. Shayne was heartbroken and he sat back and watched as Courtney disappeared into herself.

It wasn't long after that that Shayne approached him again, with concerns about Courtney and her relationship with her boyfriend. Truthfully, his concerns had seemed a bit extreme at the time, and Damien had brushed him off, thinking that the other man's feelings were getting in the way and making him biassed.

He wishes he didn't do that.

He was so sure that they'd know if somebody was hurting Courtney, even if not physically. She was so easy to read, she knew she could come to them if she needed help, and she was so strong - he was sure she wouldn't let anyone get away with hurting her. And a part of him knew that wasn't how it worked, but he was so sure. Or maybe, just maybe, he was scared of Shayne being right. He was right, earlier, now that he thinks about it. Courtney had been asking for help in her own way. That's why she'd withdrawn herself; so that someone would ask her if she was okay.

But nobody did. They thought it was best to give her space, because she needs that sometimes, and that she'd come to them if she needed anything.

How wrong they were.

And it's now, as he looks at her hovering in the doorway, that he wonders if this could've been prevented had they actually tried. Shayne was right, it was bad, but he makes no effort to hide the horror on his face. He doesn't think he could, if he tried.

It takes a second, but he opens his arms up for Courtney, relieved when she moves forward towards him. He's gentle in his movements as he wraps his arms around her, not sure exactly how badly she's hurt or where, but if she's in pain, she doesn't let him know. It's strange to think how much he used to hate touch, but how easy Courtney made it to love hugs. She was an affectionate person, and it rubbed off.

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