Oranges 🍊

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A Firey Jr x Grassy One-Shot (platonic or romantic)

Human AU


Hc mentioned: Firey & Firey Junior are brothers while Match is their cousin.  Grassy, Tree, Leafy, and Evil leafy are siblings.

ii x BFDI universe = real

Firey Jr. was putting on his shoes ready to leave his godforsaken house. As he tied his shoelaces, he could hear Firey and Match bickering about something stupid, like clothes or girls. He gagged thinking about it.

When Firey Jr. stood up Match somehow appeared right in front of him and he nearly screamed.

"MATCH!! What the fuck!" He glared at the woman as she rolled her eyes

"First off, don't say fuck. You're 12. Second off, here." She shoved 2 oranges to his chest and Firey Jr. gave her a baffled expression.

"Oranges?! For what?!" Firey Jr. looked at the the oranges he was holding and then looked back up at Match confused. Match rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

"Jr. Jr. Jr. I know you so well that I definitely know that you'll want a snack when you're doing whatever you preschoolers do. Also, here, take this nickel and buy yourself some candy at the drugstore nearby or something." Firey Jr. rolled his eyes making Match scoff. He put the oranges in his jacket pockets and took the nickel, putting it in his pocket as well.

"Okay, first of all, I'm in middle school. Second of all, you... suck... Deez nuts!!" Firey Jr. ran out of the door slamming it in Match's face before she could react.

While Jr ran, he heard her angry screams come from the house and he snickered mischievously. After a few minutes of running, he got tired and started walking again, his mind on one specific person now. Grassy.

Now that Firey Jr. was walking, he could feel the frosty air against his face. Oh, how he hated the cold with a burning passion. Jr shivered from another breeze and continued walking, ignoring the cold stinging his cheeks.


Grassy was sitting on the couch with Leafy, waiting. He was zoning out into his own little world as Leafy watched the news boredly. Tree walked down the stairs to the 1st floor and saw them both doing... nothing. Tree rubbed the bridge of his nose groaning in irritation.

"You both can't be watching TV all day, you know that right?"

Grassy snapped out of his trance and stared at Tree, smiling.

"Hi brother Tree!  Grassy is just waiting for someone" Leafy also looked at Tree as Grassy spoke. Leafy looked back at the TV ignoring Tree's concerned comment.

"Leafy... don't act like Ev-" The doorbell rang. Leafy perked up and looked at the door.

"Who's that?" She asked quietly as Grassy and Tree stared at the door.  A few seconds of silence pass by until-

"If it's another Christmas caroler I'm going to run them over with Tree's car." All three green siblings looked at the stairs to see Evil Leafy (A/N: 🤯🤯) stomping down to the first floor.

"Grassy has never seen sister EL leave her room before!" Grassy sounded genuinely surprised, it's not like he wasn't ever genuine though.

"News flash, I did. Now get over it." She rolled her eyes and went to the front door.

"If you use my car to run over anybody with my car, I'm kicking your ass- butt out of the house." Tree coughed when he almost cussed.  El ignored Tree and swung open the door.

One-shots by lil' EulogyWhere stories live. Discover now