I love you

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Abu$I've Henry

William was in the corner of the room curled up with his head down shaking as he cried softly he soon heard the door opened


William got out his position as the door swing open revealing his husband he stood up he looked at him

William: hey honey how it go

William smiled but on the inside William was frightened by his husband look on his face his fist clenched

Henry: what do you think

William: well I thought you and your mother had a good time seeing each other again after very long time

Henry: no we didn't she had a attitude all the time

William: oh I'm sorry

Henry: what's worst is that my husband is bugging me

William: I'm sorry for asking

Henry: can you stop talking?!

William flinched at his tone as Henry walked past him to their bathroom until the phone ding it was William phone he went to go get it but Henry beat him to it grabbing it

Henry: why you run to it, what are you hiding,

William: nothing I was just expecting a call

Henry: from who

William: my mother she was gonna call me today

Henry turned on the phone he knew the password William looked away as Henry searched to see his contact

Henry: why is Daniel on your contact

William: I- I I ran into him in the park a week ago he wanted to catch up

William looked down at the ground soon his arm was gripped hard

Henry: I specifically told you not to go near him

William: I didn't he went near me

Henry: then how his number get in your phone

Henry glared as his husband started to shake in fear

Henry: stop acting like I'm gonna hurt you and answer the question if you don't answer I'll actually hurt you

William: I I

Henry huffed as he let go of his wrist and slapped him William fell to the ground he touched his bruised face in tears

?????????: daddy daddy

William looked up to see Elizabeth at the door

Elizabeth: are you ok 💭I'm scared

William: yes yes I'm ok

Henry: go to your room Elizabeth I need to have conversation with your father

Elizabeth felt a shiver down her spine

Henry: I said get Elizabeth

Elizabeth took a few step back William got up going to Elizabeth planning to take her somewhere else but Henry grabbed him

Elizabeth: daddy

Henry: I said we need to talk your not leaving Go Elizabeth!

Elizabeth was scared Henry went up to her William held him back

Henry: I said go before I

William: no no no please Elizabeth please go I'll be there after ok

Elizabeth was shaken until her hand was taken she looked to see Michael

Fnaf my ships/afton my ships (my opinion) mostly oneshotWhere stories live. Discover now