💙•Sunshine lollipop 🍭

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Tord has just came home from the mini mart store. Holding a case of smirnoff in one hand. And the small package of cigars in the other.

He groaned in annoyance once he realized his hands were full. But shrugging this off because the package of smokes is so small - the Norwegian puts the pack into his red hoodie themed center pocket.

Turning the knob with his now free hand. He shoved the door open and went inside. Closing the wooden dark maroon door behind him.

Then he hears a noise, a faint.. music.

It was slightly different however, since it was being played on a bass.

He couldn't exactly pinpoint on where the sound was exactly coming from. But it was a feeling of deja vu that crept into the back of his head.

"Tom? Tom! Do you want your Smirnoff or what?!" Tord called at the top of the stairs.

That's when Tord realized. It's Tom's checkered bass Susan being played upstairs. Of course that's why Tom wasn't answering.

"That idiot.." Tord grumbled. But then he remembered, Edd and Matt left the house for the night. So pretty much Tom and Tord could do anything they wanted.

Just as long as two rules,
Don't fight and Don't break stuff.

Looking at the Smirnoff case in his hands. Tord shakes his head. "Fucker, alright be that way." He grumbled underneath his breath as he stepped up the stairs.

As he went up the stairs, Tord rested his hand on the wooden handle.
Once he is up, he heads down the hallway.

He is heading down to Tom's bedroom. The music got louder and louder.

Tord sighed. He opened Tom's door without knocking. That's when the familiar hell of a melody strikes into his ears.

Sunshine lollipops..
And.. rainbows...

"Can you not?!" Tord shouted over the loudness of the music. It was not just being played on Tom's bass, but also on the British males laptop.

Tom stopped the bass playing and sets it on the bed. Allowing the YouTube video of 10 hours continuing to play the horrid of the song.

"Nope. We have all night." Tom grinned. Tord groaned as he placed the Smirnoff case down on the floor.

Tord covered his ears as he exited the room. "Well I'm glad you love that song!" Tom says with a laugh.

"Oh eat shit!" Tord sneered in response. Moving one of his hands away from his ear and slamming Tom's bedroom door shut.

A few hours went by and Tord couldn't take it anymore. The song is repeating. Over and Over. For HOURS. he attempted to sleep but he couldn't.  Oh hates it with such a burning flame of disgust.

Finally, ... nothing.

It just - cuts off. Into a blank silence. Tord sighed in relief. His eyes slowly look at the clock.

It said 2:34AM.

"Finally the Jehovah's witness stopped that shit.." Tord mumbled. He covered his exhausted eyes with his pale hands.

It was oddly quiet now. Like the annoyance of the song was actually like background noise of somewhat and now it was a complete silence.

Footsteps approached his room. Tord sits up in a complete quick movement. Grabbing the gun underneath his pillow.

He locked it onto the door. When he watched the door open and revealed Tom. Tord lowered his gun.

He placed the weapon onto his bed. Staring at Tom with an emotionally exhausted look on his face.

"What do you want?" Tord asks. Expecting Tom to blast the song again on his phone or something but alas that didn't happen.

Tom instead sits on Tord's bed. He chuckled a bit. "Did you like the musical showcase?" He jokes.

Tord pinched the bridge of his nose. Lowering his head and hollering out in a fit of anger and agitation.

"NO! It was blaring so loud for EIGHT HOURS! Are you out of your mind?! How are you not wanting to pull a trigger?!" Tord exclaimed in a pissy mood.

Tom laughed. "Commie, you're stupid."

Tord blinked. "What? How?" He asked. A bit dumbfounded. Tom shakes his head. "I played it one time on my bass and the second time on the computer. I only played it twice."

"What.. I swore I heard it for EIGHT HOURS." Tord emphasized. Tom smirked. "You had it stuck in your head. I went out with my case of smirnoff that you dropped off with. Drank a bottle or two. Then I came back in here around uh... midnight and you passed out asleep."

Tord laughed in disbelief. "No, I was awake. You were the one with the song on repeated tone."

"No, commie. I swear. Around 6 or so is when you got back. You came to my room. I blasted the song twice for you to suffer. You left after giving me the Smirnoff. Next thing I know, you're napping in here until 2AM." Tom responded.

"So you're saying I...?"

"You dreamt the song on repeat while you were asleep." Tom responded, cutting Tord off.

A Smirk dancing onto Tom's lips as he chuckled a bit. "Funny how only I played it twice and then it is stuck in that little head of yours."

Tord wacked The back of Tom's head. "oh shut up! I wish I didn't dream such nonsense or you playing it at all in reality!"

Tom laughed as he rubbed the back of his head. "You're cute when mad."

Tord fell silent. Tom did too. Both of them look face to face at each other. Bright redness flaring across there faces.

"Shut up." Tord sneered.

"Okay, I'll shut up-" Tom turned his head. To try and hide his blush from the other male.

There was a short silence of them just staring around the room. Until the blush disappears off of their faces.

"What do you want?" Tord asked after the milestone of quietness. Tom looked over. He puts his hand into his blue hoodie pocket.

"As you were leaving in such a rush, you dropped these." Tom responded, taking out the pack of cigars.

His hand holding them out to Tord. Tord grasps them out of the British males hand and sets them on his night stand.

"Well uh.. thanks. For not soaking them in bleach or something.." Tord grumbled, trying to make a insult but with no success.

Tom chuckled a bit. "You're welcome."

"Sunshine Lollipops."

Tom then ruffled Tord's hair and left the room. Closing the door softly.

Leaving Tord dumbfounded in his own room.

TomTord DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now