Chapter 1: "Shibafu'd"

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It has already been 9 months since the end of the conflict against abyssals as the cycle of hate and sorrow is finally broken and both abyssals and shipgirls are finally free from that cycle of sinking.

And I was there as one of the witnesses to the end of that traumatic conflict, breathing a sigh of relief knowing the shipgirls everywhere can finally rest easy and live more normal lives as well as the few passive abyssals.

I am Admiral Shizuo Fujiwara, I joined back when I turned 18 and now I'm a few months off from my 19th birthday.

I find it quite funny how compared to other admirals, I am the one who got really close relationships with the shipgirls under my command. Some are like close friends and others feel like childhood friends, however I feel extremely close with my Starter ship and Secretary ship, Fubuki, and so I also got close with her sisters to the point they see me as another sibling of theirs and so do I.

And today is a bright and sunny day perfect to get some work done, as I sit down on my chair and begin to shuffle through my paperwork for the day, it's usually just mundane stuff like service reports, financial reports, supply records, mission reports and so on and so forth.

I breezed through my mostly quiet morning until 1052hrs, when I heard loud and fast footsteps and several more footsteps right after, then my office door swings wide open to reveal Kongo.


Kongo ran and threw herself towards me, but I'm already used to this as simply I roll my chair a little to the left and watch Kongo fly out the open window as I give a chuckle.

"Kongo will be fine, she's a battleship after all"

As two more girls entered my office which was Miyuki and Fubuki.

"Ah, I see you have already dealt with Kongo as always."

"I sure did Fubuki, anyways what brings you two here?"

Miyuki smiles as she speaks.

"Here to invite you to an early lunch duh~"

"And what's behind your back Miyuki-"

Before I could even finish I just saw a pie hurled straight at my face as I saw Miyuki sprint out at full speed "Miyuki Special and I'm off!"

And Fubuki looks exasperated at her younger sister.

"Miyuki and her pranks" as she sighed and looks at me

"Hey atleast it was a custard pie this time" I scrape a little off my face and lick it off my finger which just made Fubuki let a small laugh.

"Let me get that off your face you dummy" She kept laughing a little as she helped me wiping the remnants of the pie off my face.

When we finally got my face pie free Fubuki took me by the hand and I basically got dragged away by Fubuki.

"How long were you holed in your office Shizuo?" Fubuki looks back at me as we walked to the cafeteria

"Well, Uhhh right after breakfast? Why?" And that earned me a light jab to the shoulder

"Don't tell me you'd start working yourself to death now, are you?" She was always so caring

"Nah, I won't. I just want to get rid of excess paperwork so I can take it easy after it"

We both share a chuckle as we finally arrive in the cafeteria which was already bustling with lif.

"Looks like lunch rush is already upon us" Fubuki states as we got into line

"So what's your plans after this since your paperwork is all but done" she asks me as we moved up the line.

"Since you and the rest of you and your sisters would be out on an escort mission till tomorrow" I remove my cap and stratch my head a little. "I guess, I might as well help around in the armory with Yuubari and Akashi since I have nothing else better to do"

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