Chapter 5: "Duckies & Baking"

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I can't believe it's been a few months  already past since I turned into a near copy of Fubuki, it's good thing that I am already used to some aspects living as a shipgirl. . . emphasis on the girl part.

I scoot my chair closer to the window to watch the leaves fall from the trees.

"So it's already fall? Time sure does fly" I got up from my chair and head out of my office.

The base is so lively as always but I still have a lot of questions like 'why are the submarine girls insist on wearing their swimsuits?' or 'Why does Hiei cook so poorly', those questions would most likely remain unanswered.

"Ad~! mi~! ral~!" I hear a very familiar voice and loud footsteps right behind me, I sigh and let Kongo have it this time

"Gotcha~!" As got lifted away from the floor and smothered in one of Kongo's hugs

"Good morning to you too Kongo" I look up at the ever so affectionate Battlecruiser and flash her a tired smile

"Can you believe that's it's already fall already admiral?" I can feel Kongo ruffle my hair a little by patting my head

I look out of the window and see orange leaves falling from the trees, several submarines, destroyers and even light cruisers were frolicking in the piles of fallen leaves, I have to admit it does look fun.

"So anything you have planned for this fall admiral?" I think about Kongo's question and in all honesty I don't really have a plan for this fall.

"Actually I don't" I couldn't help but just admit defeat.

“Well, you could join me and my sisters?” I look up at her with a genuine curiosity.

“Mmm. Sure why not? What are you gals up to anyways?” After giving it a thought I just decided to go with Kongo.

However what I didn't expect was her to carry me instead of just letting me walk. I just dangled as she carried me as if I was some sort of luggage.

“I can walk you know?” I look at her expecting to be placed down, but what I got instead was a cheeky smile from her.

“I know you can, but where's the fun in that” I just sigh reluctantly as I was carried off by Kongo.


Upon arriving to one of the kitchen's I spotted the rest of the Kongo class, and it seems they are accompanied by the duckies.

“Kongo nee-sama, you're back” Haruna greets Kongo, while Kirishima looked at me as I gave her a wave.

“Seems like you also brought the admiral along like some sort of suitcase. You kidnapped her from the Fubuki class again, didn't you?” Kirishima points to me and I just nonchalantly wave my hand before responding.

“Ah no, she didn't kidnap me this time. I actually wanted to join y'all” I wave of Kirishima's accusation to Kongo before adding. “However she didn't let me walk on my own though-”

“Oh sorry admiral-” Kongo finally puts me down as I unwrinkle my clothes as I notice Kirishima facepalms while Haruna and Hiei sweatdrop a little.

I finally steer my attention away from the battlewagons and to the duckies that are with them at the moment. Which are the Akizuki sisters, namely Akizuki, Teruzuki and Hatsuzuki.

“I see the duckies are also here” I mused and grabbed a step stool just to pat their heads, it was still weird to me that I am now shorter than them.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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