Reunited part 2

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"Yea Sae?"

"Do you remember what I told you 2 years back at the airport?"



After that mini-convo, there was only silence between you guys. After some time both of you left the restaurant and got into the car which would drive you guys to your room. But you were not going there and you were going somewhere else. You then suddenly stopped at a place that looked like a park.

"Follow me Y/n," said Sae and you followed him.

"why are we at a park Sae" you asked.

"Wait and see " he replied.

You guys went inside the park and found a good spot to sit.

Suddenly, "Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?" asked Sae sincerely.

"I'm sorry Sae but I don't think we could have a serious relationship right now. We both need to be committed. I also need more time, I want to establish a proper career and then we can think about this OK?" you said and hugged him.

"It is okay y/n I understand, but allow me to do this," he said

He then cupped your cheeks and gently kissed you to which you kissed him back.

You both did not talk during the ride back to your rooms.

After some time, you both went back to your rooms and went to bed.


You woke up to the sound of your annoying alarm clock ring. Today you were going to meet your fellow teammates. You went into the bathroom to brush your teeth and take a shower. After showering you change into your outfit for the day.

 After showering you change into your outfit for the day

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 You then text Isa telling her that you are ready.

Isa (manager) :)

Good morning Isa

I am ready to meet the players

Ok, I will come to your room.

Make sure to get your football boots and bag

Ok sure

You then pack your Nike bag and put your phone inside it. It was currently 7 a.m. and someone rang the doorbell.

"Good Morning Y/n, shall we go?" 

"Yep let's go"

"You will be having breakfast in this building, after your practice with both the boys and girls teams"

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