Who needs to study anyway?

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Rain and Sky have been studying non stop for their exams. But as usual Rain got bored and needed a break before his head would explode from too much knowledge.

Rain kept pestering Sky, whining, dropping his books loudly, puffing air that he had, had it with Rain by now.

"RAIN! SHUT UP I CAN'T CONCENTRATE AAGHH!" Sky yelled frustrated. He tried to get back to his books but even he needed a break from all this.

They had been studying for days locked up in Sky's dorm room only leaving for their exams itself. Even then it wouldn't be for longer than 4 hours max before they holled up again behind the next textbook feeling depressed all over again.

Rain even slept over since he was worried that he wouldn't leave on time for his exam or that he would be too distracted to take care of himself. Phayu and Prapai were even banned from texting them or so much as showing up in front of them for the next few weeks.

But going back to their problem right now it would be that they needed a break or more like a day off to cool their brains down. Mostly Rain's tho, before he got even more stupid!

If they stay here a little longer they won't survive another two weeks of exams. They needed a change before he would kill Rain. He was so close to strangling Rain if he sighed one more time. Even the smallest sounds that Rain made like breathing or slurping his drink started to annoy him for no reason.

"ALRIGHT LET'S GET OUT!" Sky said, closing his books and organizing them on his desk. Rain didn't even bother, he just threw his book across the room like he didn't need them later on. He was definitely finished with studying for today.


They didn't inform their boyfriends of their change of plans since Rain was worried that P'Phayu would be upset with him if he didn't spend his time studying. And maybe Sky was really glad since he didn't have to tell P'Pai or the other would invite himself over and clinch to him for hours.

Afterall a dog couldn't go long without it's owner. Prapai is the kind of person that takes an arm if you give him a finger. It would be hard to get him to leave if he gives in once.

Also no shopping would be done if P'Pai decided to join or more like play his sugar daddy for the day! He really wasn't in the mood to say no over and over again to an over excited puppy!

That's not gonna happen, Rain and him will go shopping alone and come back to maybe study a little more if Rain's brain is functioning again.

Who knows maybe he will allow Rain to call P'Phayu tonight if he behaves?


When Sky came with the idea of maybe visiting the mall and get some groceries shopping done, Rain almost cried from happiness.

Almost since he was too busy sprinting through his dorm room throwing stuff around while looking for his wallet and car keys he lost somewhere the day before.


Normally Sky would have driven them but P'Pai had sold his old mini behind his back as an early birthday present so he could gift him a new car.

What is he supposed to do with a Rolls-Royce, he can barely park a mini let alone a car that is so expensive that he doesn't even dare to look at it or let Rain touch it thinking it would scratch.

Letting Rain look at it the first day from far away scared him already even though he was holding him in his arms in a strong grip in case his squishy brain decides to run off and assault his new car!

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