Kissing razors

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Inspired by true events of my life-

With razor kissed wrists

This is my blood red stream

I convince myself ''this is for you and its worth it.''

I convince myself there is no pain

I wish I could forget you

This is a crude game I play

White ones, red ones, fresh ones too.

I'm ashamed of what I do

The more time goes by, its harder to hide

Stay behind my sharp razor blade

More and more skin scarred up outside.

No matter the weather wear sweaters inside

''just cold''

I can cover them up but it doesn't feel better

I wish I could stop

It makes me feel alive, it feels strong and real

The same feeling I felt with you, alive and real

But this is different.

I sometimes cut too deeply

I lose much blood and begin to fall

Getting dizzy bumping against walls

I can hardly breath at all

This is my secret

Don't say anything at all.

Because of you I'm not the same

Because of you my arms go lame

I made one last incision and my last vision was of


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