6| Sign

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There was a knock on the door.
They paused. There was normally no visitors to the mansion.

'You don't think....?'
'Nuh-uh! We won't let them take you away, Marsh! Right, Apple?'
'Yes! I'll go down and check.'

She opened the door.
'Hello?' she looked around, only to see a something left on the steps.
'Who is it?' Marshmallow peered through the railings, Bow and Dough hovering nearby. Apple stood in the doorway, motionless. All of sudden-

'IT HAS "DANGER" STAMPED ON IT! RUN!' she ran around yelling. Bow focused on the thing and flew towards it eagerly.
'It's finally here! And it says "FRAGILE" Apple. She told me that we should open it together so hurry up!'
'Even me?'
She grimaced at Dough, 'I suppose...'
'Who's this "she"?'
'Oh, an old friend that I met online...anyways, enough of that! I waited months for this!'
'Months!? Why has it taken this long? What's in it? And from an online friend?!'
'I don't know. That's why I want to open it now! If I could.'

Marsh quickly pushed the parcel into another room, motioning Apple to help. Even though they've been here for so long, Bow would occasionally say something that made her feel uncomfortable. Especially as she was the one who killed her. They huffed and puffed until they finally reached the room. They eased away the tape and peered inside.

'Oh, yum!' Apple reached out and picked up the white thing, putting it in her mouth. She got whacked by Marshmallow.

'Ow! What was that for?'
'Apple, don't eat that! It's foam, used to protect fragile things from breaking. Bow, your online friend seems to put a lot of foam here...'
'Well, duh! Obviously, it's clearly something extremely fragile-'
'What does "fragile" mean?'
Bow sighs, exasperated, 'It means-'
'Uh, guys I think you guys ought to take a-' Dough inputted.
'Shush, you! Don't interrupt m-'
'But the foam's movi-'
'Ahem! Rude! Apple, "fragile" means something that would break easily such as....' her voice trailed away as a shadow fell above Marsh and Apple. They turned their attention back to the parcel.

 They turned their attention back to the parcel

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The gift turned around facing them, flashing.

'No! Wha-!'

'No! Wha-!'

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'Ah, finally awake.'

As her vision focused, she finally distinguished the shape hovering in front of her.


She struggled with the restraints that held her. She faced left and noticed Apple in the same condition.

'Marsh! Where are we?'
As she was about to reply, he butted in.
'I would say in a...privileged position. Now, I suggest that you both relax.'
'You call being strapped up privileged!?'
'What does privileged-'
'Not now, Apple!'

He stared at Apple for a bit while she was looking upset. Hmph, same as our sign, but not quite...should I...? He turned and typed something on the computer.

'What are you doing? Where's Bow and Dough?'
'Your supernatural friends are not exactly adapted to this bright environment. As for the other question...look up.'

She glared and gasped as she saw two wide pipes coming down towards them. Darkness engulfed them and their vision was blinded by a scarlet light. The last thing Marshmallow heard came from the left of her:


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