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what a fucking mess.
your caught, by colby, in the bathroom, getting changed into your pyjamas, while he was SHOWERING.
now he is standing at the shower, in a towel, staring at you.
"oh. my. god." you said, rustling your clothes to cover yourself.
"y/n why the hell are you half naked in my bathroom..." colby said, he said.. shocked yet motionless..
"uh- I- sam said i could get changed in here-" you stammered as you tried to explain.
"into my pyjamas, and- uh- i guess i walked in the wrong bathroom?...." you said, stuttering.
you stood there in awkward silence, you felt like it was an hour before you finally said
"im just gonna go-" you said, covering your self.
"no- its okay- uh, ill just-" colby began to cover his eyes.
"are you sure i can?-" you said
"yeah- ill just stay covered" colby said, his voice muffled through his hands.
you blushed and turned around to be safe, and began to put on your pyjama pants, then you realised.. you forgot your shirt.
"uh-" you said
"whats wrong?" colby said, voice still muffled
"i dont have a shirt- i only have the shirt i wore today-" you said, you blushed furiously again.
"you can have my shirt?" colby said

"uh- yeah sure, do you know where you put it?-" you said, your face redder than ever.
"ill grab it" colby said, he uncovered his eyes and stared at the ground as he walked over to his clothing rack and slipped off his shirt, he began to walk towards you still staring at the floor, his arm stuck out the shirt, you felt his face redden as you accidentally caressed his hand.
"thanks.." you said.
"no problem" colby said, his eyes looked into yours, he smiled softly as he walked back to the shower and recovered his eyes again.
you turned around again and softly began to undress your top half, and slipped out of your bra, you placed it on the table, you stared at colbys shirt as you pulled it on, you felt as if you were dropped into it, it was loose and baggy as it dropped over halfway down your thighs.
You snuggled into it, it smelt fresh, you could feel his scent swim over you, you breathed it in heavily and stared at it in the mirror.
"Can i look now?" He said through his hands
"yeah," you said, still staring in the mirror.
his head tilted out of his arms as he stared at you, his cheeks lifted as he smiled softly.
"im gonna head to bed.." you said
"yeah, go ahead-" colby said, his eyes still dazed as he stared at you, admiring each curve, even the ones covered by baggy shirts and comfy pyjamas.
your cheeks reddened as you walked swiftly towards the door, still feeling colbys gaze, you walked out and headed to the bedroom, your face still furiously red.
you opened the bedroom door, you saw sam in a vest and lying in bed, you dropped into the covers as you walked towards him.
"you okay?" sam said as you sighed.
"not really." you said, muffled by the pillow, as you felt something grab you softly and hold you close.
you jumped lightly, surprised as sam reached over to you, you felt your stomach swirl with butterfly's as his arms wrapped around you caressing your waist, he pulled you tight to his chest as you snuggled into his vest.
he sighed with comfort as you shifted comfortably in his arms as he cuddled you tightly, you felt yourself drift away into sleep as you felt the seductive breaths of sam echo on your face.

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