the strongest

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(Hello! quick A/N
This story begins when Gojo is waking up from his Dream in Season 2
I hope you enjoy reading the first chapter <3)


"Satoru! Since when does the quote strongest sleep?" asks a voice Satoru recognises almost immediately. He removes his blindfold halfway, revealing one of his eyes. "WE are the strongest" "how about a Hi and a knock first, Suguru?" a smirk paints Satoru's face while his eyes meet the ones from his beloved best friend.

"And i want my girls to stop using their phones so much, but here we are...guess we're both dreaming of things we'll never achieve" he replies sharing the smirk that just became even wider "we-ell" Satoru says while standing up from his chair swinging one of his arms around Sugurus shoulder. "shall we go and deal this outside?" Suguru raises an eyebrow shaking his head amusingly. "we're not high schoolers anymore, Satoru."

Just then the door that was just closed swung open, revealing Megumi and Yuji."sensei." "my fellow students!! does no one know how to say hi these days?" letting go of sugugu's shoulder, gipping onto his chest and pretending to faint.
Yuji lets out a giggle while Megumi blankly stares into Gojo's revealed eye which he quickly hides with the rest of his blindfold. "Anything you guys need?" walking up to his students keeping the grin he always has on.

"I suppose we don't, we just wanted to tell you that we'll head to the town, there's this new cake we wanted to-" before Megumi could end his sentence a certain someone interrupts him while screaming "CAKE?!".

"could you not interru-"
"Suguru and I will join you."
"Nuh uh, we'll join you as your Sensei"
They all look at Suguru after he let's out a sigh, "Could you stop deciding things for me, Satoru?" Satoru chuckles
"I know you love it though"

Megumi interrupts them "Fine. You guys can join us, but, only if you listen to Geto Sensei and stay by his side."
Suguru speaks up again "You guys do know that I never agreed?"

Acting like Suguru never said something, Satoru grabs his wrist, dragging him outside. While exiting the room they see one of his daughters walk up to them.

"Mimiko dear! Where is your sister?"
"with Nobara"
Suguru nods while patting her head, ever since the twins joined Jujutsu High School they got along with Nobara the most. She was like the friend they never had.
"Why aren't you with them?"
Suguru asks, you could almost hear how worries he was, that his daughter could get excluded.
"I wanted to see you, dad"
A warm smile forms on his lips, kissing her forehead. He whispered "Well, here I am dear" and she smiled, hugging him.
Satoru awkwardly stands next to them, while they're having their moment, wanting to say something but also not wanting to disturb them.
"I'll go back to Nobara and Nanako"
"Do that"
As she leaves turning her phone on Suguru turns around to face me again.
"Like I said, I'll never get them away from their phone."

Satoru waited for the others to arrive while already eating the new strawberry cake.
"I can't believe he teleported himself there! What's the point of me joining you guys then??"
Suguru angrily says, seeing him from afar.
Their eyes met, a satisfied and a angry one.
Suguru couldn't believe what he saw, a little white haired boy who happily ate his strawberry cake. Viewing this he gets even faster, sprinting towards the innocent Gojo Satoru.

Megumi and Yuji watch this scene take place still from afar since they didn't bother sprinting after Gojo nor Geto.

Suguru screams annoyed
Satoru answers him while giggling touching his knees for support. He also took his last bite from his cake finishing it completely. Megumi and Yuji finally catched up to both of them looking at the empty store.
"...Did they...?"
"Oh yea they just closed"
All three wanted to scream at Gojo but before they could he showed his bag with exactly three strawberry cakes.
"I also love you guys don't worry"
Suguru rolls his eyes taking the bag

Once they finished eating and arrived back at Jujutsu High Gojo called everyone to his Classroom, including the teachers
He explained that the Students from Kyoto will visit soon and he believes they're planning something.
"We shouldn't make false assumptions, we already have a bad bond with Kyoto" is what ended the Discussion.
After everyone got dismissed Satoru spots Shoko at her usual spot.

"I told you to stop smoking"
"You're no fun Satoru"
"I will once you tell Suguru your little secret"

Satoru turns quiet

"You still love him, don't you?"

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