memories of my one and only

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The sun was setting, casting long shadows over Jujutsu High. As the teachers and students started heading home, Satoru Gojo remained by the window watching them leave, his usual facade slightly slipping as he watched the horizon. Memories of the past began to flood into his brain, making his heart ache.
"We're the strongest together after all"
was all he could whisper before sensing someone behind him.

"What did you say just now Sensei? The strongest? Damn didn't know your God complexion would go so far even when you're alone" Yuji stood there, leaning against the doorframe, wondering if Gojo could make the Situation even more awkward than it already was.

"What can I say? I love myself after all. If I could, I would probably marry myself" Gojo grinned, he was impressed how fast he could come up with such nonsense, just to hide his few emotions that he was now hiding again.

Nobara, who now stood next to Yuji was the next one to talk "Jeez old man, find yourself a girlfriend." was all she said before leaving the room again.
A smile played on Gojo's lips, masking the disturbance of her comment within.
"Awh come on!! I'm only 27! It's mid twenties!!"
Gojo jokingly yelled after her, she just continued walking away, ignoring him.

"Well, gotta get going too, Cya Gojo."
Yuji followed her quickly, not wanting to head alone to their dorms.
Gojo waved at him, his thoughts already drifting back to Suguru.
"You still love him, don't you?"
He sighs. Shoko is right. He still loves him. His best friend since they both attended Jujutsu High.  The one person who truly understood him. Their bond had always been special, forged through their memories and stupid adventures. Even bad memories.

He still hasn't forgotten about Riko. Riko Amanai. Ah he missed that annoying girl. He missed her disgust over him, her sassy behavior and how she brought Suguru but also him more happiness in this fucked up world. He wished he could've saved her, but he was too weak. She died because of him. And Suguru fell into a deep hole of depression because of him. Luckily Shoko noticed his change of demeanor after he almost murdered an entire village for taking two innocent girls hostage. Satoru stopped him in time.
He doesn't know what would've happened if he didn't.
He hates himself for not noticing.
But Suguru has gotten better. A lot better.

Not knowing how Geto felt about Gojo was a constant reminder of the friendship he might lose because of those feelings that went way beyond friendship.

It was better for him to bury his feelings deep inside than the risk of losing him all together.

Later that evening, as the stars already began showing he listened to the faint laughters of his students through the window outside. Planting a genuine smile on his face. "Ahhhh i need some mochi." He yawned.

"How about a beer instead?"

Gojo turned around, facing Shoko and Geto who grinned at him.

"Perfect timing." Gojo jokingly said, stretching his arms. "I was about to go home, you guys can go without me."

Suguru only chuckled knowing he could change his mind somehow. "Come on Satoru, let's hit that bar down the street. We wanted to visit that place since it opened last year and we never went."

Gojo raised an eyebrow under his mask.

Suguru sighed and added "My treat."

After stating this, Gojo ran towards him, almost jumping on him "I'M IN LETS GO."

The bar was coizy, faint light, a favorite of their colleagues of Jujutsu High. The three of them settled into a corner booth, ordering their drinks.
Shoko and Suguru lit their cigarettes, leaning back, while Gojo sipped his beer.

Oh this was going to be great.

(quick info: i know Gojo canonically doesn't drink, but you'll soon know why i need to make him like alcohol :D)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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