Chapter 11 -- The Past has Arrived

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Debris from the Ark and the Nemesis flew into space, while what remained of the Fortune fell towards the planet below. They caught fire once they kareened through the atmosphere, spinning wildly. They crashed into land, causing organic material to be pulled up and pushed aside, rocking the land. The two ships followed suit, crashing into the planet below in two separate places.

Then, nothing else fell. Everything went still. Strange creatures made noises that no Cybertronian had ever heard. Trees swayed as air currents pushed them, creating a rustle noise all around.

A brown and tan creature poked its head out of the underbrush. It looked around with large, golden-yellow eyes, sharp yellow-white teeth brandished in the sunlight. It looked at the sky, spotting columns of smoke billowing into the air. Curiosity took hold of the creature's mind.

It padded out of the underbrush, leaving large impressions in the dirt and mud as it walked. It climbed up a hill, then padded to a cliff, and finally leapt onto a tall rock. The creature remained balanced on the rock, looking at where the smoke originated.

The creature blinked. Its eyes were filled with digital readouts, showing information at what it looked at in a strange language. Its vision was zoomed in on the Ark, which was now embedded into a rocky, mountain-like formation. The creature's eyes twitched wider, as if it was surprised.

Stomping footsteps approached the creature. It didn't panic, simply blinking to make the readouts disappear, and casually looked off to the side. There, a large, purple and green creature came towards it. It was much larger than the brown and tan one, though it had tiny arms. It looked at the smaller creature.

"Did you find the source of the quake?" It asked.

The smaller one nodded. "It was a ship, sir." It said, "It's... Cybertronian."

"What?" The purple creature exclaimed, "That's impossible! Move!"

The brown and tan creature jumped off the rock, allowing the larger one to look towards the horizon. It gasped as it spotted the ship. The purple and green creature chuckled happily.

"Finally, our destiny awaits!" It exclaimed, "Quick, contact Blackarachnia and Scorponok! We must reach the Nemesis!"

"The Decepticon ship? They'll tear us apart!" The brown and tan creature hissed.

The larger creature didn't listen. He passed away, back into the shade of the trees, its footsteps causing the ground to shake. The smaller creature glanced over at the Ark, sighed, and followed the larger creature.

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