Chapter 44

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Yoongi's POV

We get home after midnight. As the hosts, we had to leave the last, and also, I had to make sure I wasn't leaving my parents' place a total mess.

Was it worth it? Yes, the party turned out dope. We invited pretty much everyone who supported us, along with those who had no idea what bomb we were about to drop on them.

With joined forces, we've become an unbeatable team. It's what was our goal from the beginning.

"I'm so tired," Jimin whines, dragging himself into the penthouse. I scoop him in my arms, carrying him toward our bedroom bridal style.

He giggles, wrapping arms around my neck and resting his head on my shoulder. His hair tickles my cheek and I press a kiss on the crown of his head.

"It was a long day, but quite successful." Hoseok comments trailing behind us. "And I would hate finishing it by directly heading to bed."

I smirk, getting instantly where my boyfriend's mind is. I can't say I hate it. On the contrary, I'm all in for a little celebration of our own.

"Hey, I know that smile on your face, Min Yoongi." Jimin pokes my cheek with his index finger. "Lose it. I told you none of you gets near my ass for next month."

"But it has already been two weeks since our cycles ended, baby. Have mercy on us. Do you even know how hard is it to share a bed with you, to have your soft body pressed against ours, and not touch you? It's torture, sugar."

"I'm sure you can wait a bit longer."

I glance back at Hoseok who shrugs. When we finally reach the master bedroom, I set Jimin on the bed and get rid of the tie that has been bothering me the whole day.

"You know Yoongs, we could work out something on our own tonight, what do you say?" Hoseok's hand wraps around me from behind and I lean into him, loving the warmth of his body.

I can feel Jimin's praying gaze on us.

"Yeah? What do you have in mind?"

"We haven't roleplayed in a while." He whispers in my ear and goosebumps cover my skin. I lean further into him.

"Go on."

"What about me being your harsh professor who has secretly been into you for a while and you're a student failing my subject?"

"Does that mean I'll have to find creative ways to get higher scores from you, Mr. Jung?"

"Yes, you'll have to try your best." He nibbles on my earlobe and hot waves surge through me.

I can practically feel Jimin's eyes on us. When I spare him a glance he's pouting like a scolded kid.

"What's wrong, baby? Do you think we'll bother you if we role-play here? Do you want us to leave and let you rest?"

I grind my ass against Hoseok and feel his cock swell in his pants.

"No!" Jimin cries out, sitting up on his knees and resting his hands on his lap. "I want to be the student and you, my professors." He demands without an ounce of shame and bites on his plump lip.

I mentally smirk at the victory, peeling myself away from Hoseok and approaching the omega. His wolf is emitting seducing pheromones, calling to my inner beast to wake up and ravage his sweet little ass.

"Is that so? What do you say, Hoseok?"

"I think we could use help with role-playing. But in that case, I'd need a teaching assistant, Yoongi. Would you mind filling in the position?"

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