Chp 1. Little Angel

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3rd Person point of view.

As the night is slowly coming to an end the snow slowed down but was still giving a chilly breeze. Little Feet crunch the snow underneath as the drone kept running and running like their life depended on it. Their visor stained with oily tear stains as they wrap their arms around themselves to keep them warm. They where dressed in a little purple dress with a knitted pink cardigan to go with it and had some small black boots on their little feet. They had a beanie that was to big for them on their head. It was their mother's. The little drones name was Uzi Doorman. She was a worker drone and daughter to Kahn and her late mother Nori. Uzi was running away from the Dissasembly drones that had killed her mother infront of her digital eyes. Her dad left her out here to die for his own safety and cowardness.

Uzi had been running for half an hour as she was way to tired to continue. She had found an abandoned car and decided to climb in through the broken window as she sits in the torn leather chair. She pulls her knees close to her chest as she desperately tried to keep herself warm. As she cries herself to sleep. Her nap was cut short as she heard movement. She kept her digital eyes closed as she pretended to be asleep, listening out for any noise. "Hey guys, I found a child!" A male voice calls out in a harsh whisper. Uzi stayed still the best she could as she hear more shuffling and movements come closer.

"Nice work N! She would make a great dessert" A female voice pipes up. It was some sort of sinister voice. "V she is not going to be dessert for you." The male voice snaps as another voice joins in, a bit higher than previous two. "She could be useful to us as bait maybe?" The other female says. Uzi stayed scilent and pretended to be asleep still until, she felt semi cold hands wrap round her small figure as the male Dissasembly Drone holds her up. Uzi woke up as she stared right into the Male Dissasembly Drones eyes before letting out a scream and started squirming. The poor Dissassmblier drops Uzi as she scurried off hiding behind the car.

"Nice work moron you now made the kid scared" A female voice growls as she slaps the Male drones head with her hand. The other female drone had managed to crawl to the child. Poor Uzi looked as if she would oil herself from fear. Uzi stared into the short haired Dissasembly Drone as its teeth where flashing and she had a sinister grin on her face. "G-go away" Uzi stutters trying desperately to shuffle further up against the damaged car. The other two Dissasembly drones where alerted from their squabbling as they turn around to find their other team member trying to eat Uzi. The male drone quickly scoops Uzi back up. "V I said she's not food." He scolds as V rolls her eyes and crosses her arms. "Way to spoil the fun" She spat in anger. The male drone bonks his canister on V's head as she hisses in pain. Uzi let out a small giggle as the male drone looks down at Uzi. The other female also looking at Uzi. "She seemed to like that" she spoke. Her mother instincts kicking in. V just stared at Uzi in disgust. "J you better not be considering keeping that oil can are you?" She questioned in spite. V knew J had some sort of soft spot for kids and she also knew N had a big soft spot. He is like a puppy. "We could train her to be loyal to the company and we can train her to be somewhat like us" J spoke with seriousness glaring at V before taking Uzi out of N's arms. N protests but is stopped by J's hand shoving his face lightly. Uzi let out another giggle but it was layered with tiredness. "Are we keeping her J?" N questioned with hope in his tone and excitement. "Yes N we are. But one condition. I look after the child" She states to the other two. "OOOOO DOES THAT MAKE ME THE UNCLE AND V THE AUNT?" N Fangirl squeals but is cut short by a frustrated V. "THEIR IS NO WAY IN COPPER 9 AM I BEING THAT THINGS AUNT" She Snaps growling as she lunges at J and Uzi.

N steps in front of the two as he holds V back. Uzi covers her ears from all the shouting small tears coming out with a small sniffle. The pair was now shouting loudly  as J's mothering program kicks in. She quickly took to calming  Uzi as she cradles the toddler in her arms. J looks over to the fighting Drones as she clears her throat getting everyone's attention. "As your squad Leader V u have no choice to as she's being taken in by us and being trained. I'll call up the company to get the official statement of approval so that means you do not harm the child in any other way got it. Good now stop your yapping as its clearly giving the child distress" She snaps like a mother at the two drones. "Sorry J, I was just trying to-" N starts before being cut off by J "Just shut up N" J growls as V death glares Uzi down. Uzi lifts up as she Looks to the Drones infront of her, her purple eyes dull from exhaustion. "Hey little one, whats your name?" N cooes coming close to the child. Uzi reaches out for N as N scoops her up. "Uzi" Smiles as she giggles while N tickles the girl. "Oooo, I'm N and This is V and J" N introduces as he stops tickling Uzi and points to the corresponding drone. J gives a wave while V rolls her eyes and looks away. If V could of she would have flipped the child off but she wanted to stay alive so she didn't.

Uzi yawns as she snuggles into N's fluffy part of his jacket and falls asleep. N had to keep his excitement and fangirling in so he didn't wake the girl up. "Awwwww" he whispers with his visor brightenining up. "We should head back, the sun will be up soon" J points out before taking off with V also doing the same. N manages to position a sleeping Uzi cradled in his arms before taking off and heading back to the corpse spire the Dissasembliers called home. This time with their new child. Their angel child

End of Chapter 1.

Published on the 16/09/2023.
Word count: 1147
Proofread: 🟩

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