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It took months for things to get back to normal. Lindiwe's father was stripped of all chief rights and was banned from the village which was way better than he deserved. Her younger sister was given all the land and property because she had no hand in her parents evil deeds.

The kingdom had been through a very dark time and the people were very joyful when they heard that Lindiwe was expecting twins. The beginning of a new chapter.

Lindiwe's was pregnant and fussy as ever. "Vusi it's cold." She would complain when he put on the heater. "Vusi it is too hot in here." She would complain again. The he would put on the air conditioning it she would complaint again about something else.

Poor Vusi was constantly running around to keep his fussy wife happy. Anything triggered her tears and Vusi would do anything to avoid her tears. "Vusi!" Lindiwe said walking into their room. He was still away a lot but that was the only way to keep the kingdom safe from greedy mayors. "In here babe." Vusi said from the bathroom. "I need new clothes. These babies are growing too fast." Thando said standing at the door looking at her fine man. She was always amazed by how well built he was. The Zulu genes ran strong in him, all muscle.

"Sthwanda why are you drooling over me?" Vusi said pulling her into his arms. "Me? Drooling, yeah right." Lindiwe said laughing. "Do you want to do something?" Vusi said with a grin on his face. "No! We have to start making our way to the main hall. The king and queen are back." Lindiwe said smiling.

It was a great relief tat the king and queen were safe. Vusi had sent them into hiding for sometime because he was not sure who he could trust. His father needed some medical attention and he sent them abroad for treatment. Now his father was back and healthy. He would take over the kingdom and Vusi could finally take his wife for their honeymoon.

The main dining hall was packed with chiefs, celebrities and other leaders. Everyone came to celebrate the return of the king and restoration of the monarchy. Glitz and glamour everywhere. The palace really went big on this event.

Lindiwe was eating some fruits when she heard people cheering. It had been like three hours of boring speeches and Lindiwe had checked out at some point, but this announcement caught her attention because it was about Vusi. "My son you are ready! You're the new king Vusi!" The king said smiling.

Lindiwe's jaw fell open. They were stuck here. If he was just announced as king they would never leave this village. She felt tears prick her eyes. This can't be happening. Vusi stood and bowed to the king as everyone cheered them on.

"I can't say no Lindiwe." Vusi said sitting on the bed. His wife didn't understand how this worked. His coronation was tomorrow and there was no going back. He would be the new king and all the matters of the land would fall on him. "But, you can ask your dad to delay it until we back from Paris?" Lindiwe said. "No I can't ." Vusi was getting tired of all this back and forth. They were not getting anywhere. "My love I am king now and you are queen. Our people need us and when the time is right we will go to Paris."  Vusi said pulling her to his lap.

She was getting bigger by the day but Vusi would never say anything about that. "Vusi." Lindiwe said softly. "Yeah." Vusi was kissing her hands. "Promise me that the throne won't take you away from me. You're already so busy and I hardly get to see you." Lindiwe said tearfully. "I will delegate a lot and I will make sure I have time for my family. I promise." Vusi said rubbing her belly.

The coronation was beautiful. Dancers and other performers filled the palace. People bought gifts and governments officials were also present with proposals for business deals. Vusi was crowned with no hiccups and given the assurance that his land was safe. The people of the village all came out to support Vusi. The day was the perfect in every way possible.

"Shouldn't you be next to your husband?" Mbuso asked Lindiwe. "This is his moment. When I am next to him he keeps trying to make sure that I am okay. It is his day and I want him to enjoy it." Lindiwe said smiling. "He won't enjoy it without you. He is already looking everywhere for you." Mbuso said smiling. "Mbu?" Lindiwe said looking at Mbuso. "Yeah?" Mbuso said. "We are good right. Me and you, we still good friends?" Lindiwe asked. Mbuso had been keeping his distance from her since she told him she was pregnant. "Yeah, we are good." Mbuso said smiling faintly. "Good. Okay let me get back up there." Lindiwe said and wobbling away.

The day Lindiwe told him she was pregnant his heart broke into a million pieces. He was ashamed of himself but he was in love with her. His best friends wife. He made a mental note to keep far from her and he was doing very well since. His heart was healing but whenever she would look at him with those eyes he would feel his wounds open up again. He had convinced Vusi that it was better he was in charge of external affairs. Vusi had agreed and Mbuso was hardly at the palace. He preferred it that way.

"So you're the king now." Lindiwe asked sitting on their bed. The day was extremely exhausting and she just wanted to pass out but Vusi was so excited. She was feeling bloated and crapping in her stomach. But, she didn't want to take away from Vusi's joy.

He kept telling her about what his future plans were for the kingdom and how his people will prosper. He was a very good man and Lindiwe felt very blessed to be his wife.

"Babe you just peed on yourself." Vusi said looking at Lindiwe wide eyed. "I did!" Lindiwe said shocked and at that moment her contractions started. She was about to be a mom.

"I wanted to go in with her but she refused. You know Lindiwe."  Vusi said to his mother. Vusi was panicking and Lindiwe refused to let him come with her because he was making her panic. As from the moment her water broke, her calm and critical thinking husband turned into dumbo the elephant. He was tripping over things, forgot the number for the doctor. He packed her bags in the wrong car and drove off with her in another car. He was just a mess. "Do you think she is okay? Maybe I should go in?" Vusi said to his mother. "Nope, sit down." His mother said for the tenth time in ten minutes.

"Hello, Mr Vusi you can come with me to meet your boys" Vusi lost his mind in joy. "Boys! How is my wife?" Vusi asked walking down the corridor with the doctor. "Your wife is just fine." The doctor said smiling. "My sons." Is all Vusi could say when the nurse handed him his sons.

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