A Brief Summary of Pastel*Rangers

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This is a collection of stories that take place after my Pastel*Rangers story. I'd say check it out, but 100+ Chapters might be too much of a time investment for some people, so here's a brief summary of that story.

A Magical Girl from America goes to Japan for a month. She fights monsters called Negatives who possess people who are feeling strong negative emotions such as sadness, anger, despair, fear, etc. One of those monsters attacks Aya, who awakens to her power as a Magical Girl. One by one, the rest of Pastel*Palettes awaken to the same power that Aya and the American has. The American acts as a mentor to them, teaching them about Negatives and how they work. Aya wields a bow, Eve wields her katana, Maya wields a blaster, Chisato wields a wand, and Hina wields a spear.

When a Negative possesses someone, that person transforms. Depending on they type and intensity of the negative emotion, they either may transform into a larger Negative, or they may transform into something themed after the cause of their despair. In extreme cases, their transformation affects a few things around them as well. In double extreme cases, their transformation alters reality around them. The Pastel*Rangers themselves are immune to both possession and to being altered by the effects of Negatives.

One by one, members of Roselia, Afterglow, and Hello, Happy World! learn about Pastel*Rangers and their powers. Poppin' Party is late to the party, only learning the truth about them right before the epilogue. Since that story takes place during year 1, Raise a Suilen and Morfonica do not exist yet. However, they may appear in this collection since these stories can take place at any time in the timeline.

There are also things called an Inverse, which is what is created when someone who is immune to possession feels strong negative emotions. Instead of being possessed by Negatives, they create their own Negative, mixed with their DNA + other scientific jargon, giving them the same type of power as the person they're created from. The only way to permanently defeat an Inverse is for the person who created them to fuse back with them while being over whatever caused that negative emotion in the first place. If they fuse and the person who created the Inverse doesn't get over what's bothering them, the Inverse may possess them and transform them as if it were a normal possession. If this happens, that person loses their powers and ends up back as a normal person.

So this one's real spoilers. In the end, Kokoro's suits found a way to artificially fill the world with smiles using technology powered by Light. This backfired and overloaded their systems, causing a Light cage to open, releasing a special Inverse. This Inverse was born the day Kokoro was born. It's her Inverse. It had been held captive her entire life, and the suits had studied it to learn more about how to fight Negatives, so it had 15 years of resentment towards humanity. It kidnapped Kokoro and attempted to fuse back with her to become whole again, but with it being the dominant personality. The Pastel*Rangers defeated it and rescued Kokoro. As for why it was born the day Kokoro was born, that's because Kokoro is a prophesized "Child of Light," meaning her heart is made of 100% pure Light Energy - the same energy that powers Lynn and the Pastel*Rangers.

There were a few original characters. Whether I bring them in to any of these stories, I'm not sure, but it wouldn't hurt to mention them.
-Lynn Tatsumi. She's the American who came to Japan and taught Pastel*Palettes about their powers. She went back to America at the end of the story so unless I can think of a reason for her return, chances are she'll be relegated to nothing but mentions. Her weapon was a sword.
-Mana-san. Manager for Pastel*Palettes. I tried finding out if their manager had a canon name, but there's nothing in the wiki and any mentions in game just call her "Manager" so I lazily named her Mana-san. If there is a canon name, I would like to know.
-Takako. Random Hanasakigawa student who was in kendo club with Eve. She was possessed by a Negative and Purified by Eve. She swore she'd repay the favor by preventing Negatives from possessing others by helping out anyone she can.
-NFO_QUEEN. Real name unknown. NFO_QUEEN is a girl who was possessed by a Negative after coming in third place during a Neo Fantasy Online event (Ako came in first and Rinko in second). Her transformation allowed her to trap Roselia inside of Neo Fantasy Online and sap their character's powers. Hina was accidentally brought in with Sayo and was immune to losing her powers, giving everyone a chance to fight back and escaping to the real world.
-An older suit. Also unnamed. One of Kokoro's suits. Older than the rest of the suits, she is in charge of a special task force dedicated to researching Negatives and developing technology that can be used to combat them.

That should be all relevant info about the world. Of course there's more, like the crossovers with Vanguard and D4DJ, but it's best if you read those for yourself rather than having them be summarized. So with this brief summary done, you no longer need to read the 100+ chapter story that is Pastel*Rangers to be able to follow these extra stories. Enjoy!

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