Chapter Five

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" I wanna see my son Amaria and I'm not playing with yo ass. " Marcus says. I roll my eyes.

" Like you care about him! Or me for that matter! " I snap at him,

This is all we've been doing since Parker walked in on us. She was really mad so I decided to call her to come over.

" Bitch." Marcus says not caring that hes loud enough for me to hear him. Tears begin to roll down my cheeks as I cry quietly.

"Ria.. Don't cry. I'm sorry but I'm upset you know." he says as he sits next to me. I say nothing as I stare at the floor.

" why hide it tho?" Marcus asks calmly. I sigh .

" Imma explain once Parker gets here. " I inform him.

The door opens. Parker carries Landon to the back. Jeremiah follows with his son. I wait for them to come back.

Parker sits down on the floor. "Explain." she says. I take a deep breath. ..

" Okay yall completely went crazy earlier without giving me the chance to speak. Marcus the reason I didnt tell you about your son was because after you " died" I found out I was pregnant. How was I suppose to tell you? And
I didnt tell you this past week because not going to be in and out of my sons life. You obviously didn't die so you just left me alone. "

" Parker. Im so sorry for how I've been. Drinking. The sex. Not taking care of my own son properly. I've put all the responsibility on you. From now on I'm going to change. Do right by you and my son. I love my son and I love you. I really do Parker." I say

"I love you too and I'm sorry too." I looked up confused as too why she would be sorry but felt a sharp sting to my face

"Dammnn." Both Jeremiah and Marcus whispered.

This bitch just slapped me but I did deserve it.

" Its okay. " I say. Parker hugs me. She then walks to Marcus and slaps the shit outta him.

" That's for faking your death. " she says as she hugs him. I laugh as he winces in pain but hugs her back.

" So no more secrets or confessions right?" Parker asks as we all nod.
" Parker gay. " Jeremiah blurts out. I laugh as Parker shoots him a look. Its funny that he can't see shes in love with him. Its obvious.

" why the hell do you care if i am?!" she yells at him. I raise my eyebrows.

" You gay Parker? " Marcus asks awkwardly.

" No. Jeremiah's just playing. Right?" she asks him forcefully. He shakes his head and mumbles something before storming out the room. Parker rolls her eyes and walks out the house slamming the door.

Fuck wrong with them?


We back at the house. I'm in my room chillin, watching the game. I hear the front door open and voices. I get up.

" What the hell?" I say. Parker and that mermaid bitch on my couch making out. They jump apart.

" I thought you was at my house. Where's Landon and Armari?" Parker asks looking around.

" Still at your house." I mumble and walk up the stairs. A part of me feel hurt lowkey. I do have strong feelings for Parker. But Imma just shake my feelings off and just be her friend.

Someone knocks. "Come in". Ariel walks in and sits beside me. I look at her. " So I know you don't like me. And that's cool. I just wanted to let you know that Parker said shes not gonna be here tonight so dont wait up.

" We'll be occupied." she adds. I chuckle and pull out my gun. " Don't come up in here testing me hoe. Get out my damn house. "
She laughs and heads toward the door. " Lol keep that anger in check."
She walks out. I blow and slip my gun in my pants. Imma about to head out as well. Go fuck my feelings out on some hoes.

Who needs feelings anyways?

Ariel in the M-M

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