Chapter 9/ authors notes

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I so really happy now. So I have this chapter for all! And this is one time that it's Eren's pov but for this part it's Mikasa's. And this might be a short chapter.

It was late at night and I was kinda getting hungry. And I got nothing good in my refrigerator. Now I need to go to the damn store this late at night.

"Eren, I'm going to the Supermarket, do you need anything?" I asked.

"No thank you, but thanks for asking. Do you want me to go with you?" Eren asked. Yui was with him on his lap. So cute.

"No I'm fine. It will be fast promise."

"Ok, be careful."

"I will." I leave and lock the door to my mustang(yes mustang. I love mustangs. Don't judge me!) and go to the Supermarket.

I entered the store and saw somethings I liked. Pocky, apples,ice cream, ohh and sushi. I grabbed them and payed for them and went to my car.

While I was driving I notice some one was driving very wrongly. They were drunk. How dumb. And that's when I heard a crash, and the world flashed before my eyes...

Eren's Pov

I waited for Mikasa. She hasn't come back yet. I started to get worried. Where could she be?

I heard my phone ringing. And I picked it up,"Are you Eren Jaeger?" Someone asked me.

"Yes, who is this? And what's wrong?"

"I'm sorry but this is from a hospital and Mikasa Ackerman has been crashed by a drunk driver.."

I dropped the phone and ran to the door...

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